Transaction/sec performance counter

  • I am trying to find out transaction/sec on a database.  I got total number from sysperfinfo table.  I am using the following formula to calculate transaction/sec as follows:

    9,260,484/24x60x60 = 107.18152 per sec

    Does 107  represent correct number of transactions/sec?  I could not find any information as to what will be reasonable number to compare and find the transaction/sec.

    Thank you for the help.



  • If you look at the column cntr_type in sysperfinfo for this counter you will see the value 272696320.

    This is the documentation for this counter type:


    Rate of counts. This is the most common counter.

    Element Value
    X CounterData
    Y PerfTime
    Time base PerfFreq
    Data Size 4 Bytes
    Display Suffix /Sec
    Calculation (X1-X0)/((Y1-Y0)/TB)

    It is available from MS in the Microsoft platform SDK.

    In order to calculate this grab the counter value and the time and save it.

    Some time later grab the counter value and the time.

    The calculation will be (Second Counter Value - First Counter Value) / ( ( DATEDIFF( Seconds , First Time , Second TIme ) - 0  ) / 1 )

    A good time to grab the first value might be at the beginning of you business day and the second value at the end of the business day.


  • Hi,

    In the sysperfinfo table there is a value  Transactions/sec in the column counter_type. So you would need to probably check the cntr_value corresponding to this row. you would need to check the cntr_value for object_name SQLServeratabases, counter_type Transactions/sec,   instance_name <database name> and counter_type 272696320

    correct me if i am wrong


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