Transferring data between 2 tables

  • I am transferring data between 2 tables using DTS

    Each time I reach record no Reply_id 47997 I get error - failed cannot insert because doesn't allow Nulls.

    I have checked this record and there are no Nulls in it. It has same content as other records.

    I delete this row and tried again but this time it failed at record Reply_id 47996

    Where or what should I be looking for now?

  • Hi Swn-Y-Mor,

    The record no. that it is showing you is most probably the last record. So if you delete the last record and run the DTS again, it will show you the new record that is last. The NULL record could be one of the other records. Check the other records again. If you still cannot find the correct record then split your transfer into say 5,000/- recs each and try. Most probably you will hit upon the record giving the problem. I have done this many times in this kind of scenario and have been successful.

    Hope this helps you.




  • Hi,

    I have over 100,000 records in this table, but it stops transferring at 47997 for some reason.

    How do I set it up to transfer 5000 each time?

  • use bcp.exe instead and pass -b5000


  • An easier approach would be to allow null values into your table and then check the data once they all imported successfully.

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