Transform Data Task

  • All,

    I’m very puzzled about a problem I’m having with running a stored procedure in a "Transform Data Task" task to create a txt file.

    I made a fairly complicated stored procedure, which returns a record set (rs). This rs needs to be stored into a txt file and then distributed. I loop through an array of values for which I run the Transform Data Task to create a txt file for each item in the array.

    When I check the rs by clicking the “preview” button in the Transform Data Task, it works juts fine. However when I go to the destination tab and click on "define columns" -> populate from source, I’m not getting anything returned. Using a table works just fine, which has me thinking about storing the rs into some table and use “select * from sometable” instead of exec procedure.

    Has anybody seen this problem before??

    Many thanks


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Do you have the latest service pak installed?

    You didn't say which version of SQL you are using.




  • All,

    The problem has been solved by storing the data into a table using NEWID() as the table name. The stored procedure the creates a job (also using newid() as the name) in which I use DTS RUN to start a DTS package which creates the desired output.


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