Transport-level error referring to "network name is no longer available" - but not referring to name...

  • Hi All,

    I'm continually getting the following error condition from a C#.NET 4.0 console application we run:

    A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)

    For weeks now, I've been sifting through the various postings across the net attempting to resolve this issue, but alas, I'm no closer.

    - Network related issues have been ruled out, connectivity is operating perfectly with no errors being found anywhere.

    - No entries are being found in the windows event log for either SQL or the console app.

    - No entries are logged in the SQL server log.

    - The console application is referring to the SQL server by IP address not by name or DNS name.

    - Routes to the SQL server are static.

    - The SQL server procedures this console app is calling do not refer to any external or linked server/database; only a single local DB on the SQL server.

    So, pretty much all causes that people have posted have been ruled out and I've run out of what to check next.

    Has anyone else ever encountered this error before in the past?

    Does anyone know where else I can look or what else I could do to analyse what's going on and get it rectified.

    I wouldn't be concerned if the error caused a roll-back on the server, but this error appears to be happening once changes have been committed to the DB but the connection's getting terminated somehow before the console app receives the response.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Is the instance of sql server a named instance or default instance?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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