Tricky SQL Problem

  • I need help with a complex SQL statement (complex to me anyway).

    I need to find a total. I can get there in two statements, however, the solution has to be from a single SQL statement. So here go's:

    The total I am after is result of statement 1 - result of statement 2

    Statement 1 = Select Distinct part, Sum(qty), locationTo from parts where part = 'A' and locationTo = 1

    Statement 2 = Select Distinct part, Sum(qty), locationFrom from parts where part = 'A' and locationFrom = 1

    I would be extremely grateful for a solution


    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN LocationTo = 1 THEN Qty ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN LocationFrom = 1 THEN Qty ELSE 0 END)
    FROM Parts
    WHERE Part = 'A'



  • Alternative solution using (self)joins :

    Select P1.part,
    P1.Result - P2.Result As Result,
    FROM (SELECT part, locationTo,
    sum(qty) as Result
    FROM parts
    WHERE locationTo = 1
    GROUP BY part, locationTo) P1
    (SELECT part, locationFrom,
    sum(qty) as Result
    FROM parts
    WHERE locationFrom = 1
    GROUP BY part, locationFrom) P2
    ON P1.part = P2.part

    This will give you the 'result' for each value of part. Add a where clause in the subselect in the FROM if you want to limit it further to only part 'A'.

  • Here's another option, I think...

    SELECT part,


    FROM parts

    WHERE (part = 'A' AND locationTo =1) OR

    (part='A' AND locationFROM = 1)

    GROUP BY part


  • select A.part, Sum(A.Qty) - Sum(B.Qty)

    from parts A,

    parts B

    where A.part = B.Part

    A.Part = 'A'

    A.locationTo = B.locationFrom

    A.locationTo = 1

    group by A.part,B.part


    I need help with a complex SQL statement (complex to me anyway).

    I need to find a total. I can get there in two statements, however, the solution has to be from a single SQL statement. So here go's:

    The total I am after is result of statement 1 - result of statement 2

    Statement 1 = Select Distinct part, Sum(qty), locationTo from parts where part = 'A' and locationTo = 1

    Statement 2 = Select Distinct part, Sum(qty), locationFrom from parts where part = 'A' and locationFrom = 1

    I would be extremely grateful for a solution


  • Thanks for the solutions. However, I am still having difficulty because I did not realise that there was a third Sum to take into account. I've tried adapting the solution given by NPeeters however I getting syntax errors. Here is the modified script:

    Select P1.StockRef, P1.Result - P2.Result - P3.Result As Result, P1.locationTo, p2.locationFrom

    FROM (SELECT StockRef, locationTo, sum(quantity) as Result

    FROM Moves

    GROUP BY StockRef, locationTo) P1 INNER JOIN

    (SELECT StockRef, locationFrom, sum(quantity) as Result

    FROM moves

    GROUP BY StockRef, locationFrom) P2 ON P1.StockRef = P2.StockRef INNER JOIN

    (SELECT StockRef, locationID, sum(Adjusts) as Result

    FROM Adjustments

    GROUP BY StockRef, locationID) P3 ON P2.StockRef = P3.StockRef

    Where P1.locationTo = P2.locationFrom And

    P1.locationTo = P3.LocationID

    Thanks in advance

  • Are you looking for more than just the computed number to be returned? Do you need the part number, etc. returned also? Can you give an example rowset of what you expect the answer to be?


    I need help with a complex SQL statement (complex to me anyway).

    I need to find a total. I can get there in two statements, however, the solution has to be from a single SQL statement. So here go's

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