Tricky substring

  • I have data which resembles below

    declare @msg varchar(200)

    set @msg = 'Merged Facility Id:6644- Patient Id:072505 with Facility Id:6645- Patient Id: 072506'

    What I need to is to strip out the Merged Facility ID (the '6644-') the 1st Patient ID

    '072505' and the Facility ID (the '6645-') and the second patient ID ('072506') The Facid's will always be 5-6 characters, the Patient ID will be between 5-12 characters.

    Would a substring be the best approach?

  • If I'm understanding this correctly, you want to just remove all numbers and hyphens? (0-9 and "-")

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • No I need to be able to manipulate the first facid and the first patientid and then the second facid and second patid

  • timscronin (6/2/2010)

    No I need to be able to manipulate the first facid and the first patientid and then the second facid and second patid

    Okay, then based upon the string that you provided in the first post, what do you want the result to be?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • I sense the OP needs 4 columns out of the string, as in, FirstFacilityID ,FirstPatieintID, SecondFacilityID, SecondPatieintID ; these 4 columns will hold only intergers, stripped from the real string..

  • Tim, will your string have only two facility IDs and 2 patient IDs always? Will the format of the string change from row to row..

    Please post us sample data in readily consumable format and as Wayne suggested, post your desired result in some visual representation... This will remove a lot of doubts..

  • ColdCoffee (6/2/2010)

    Please post us sample data in readily consumable format and as Wayne suggested, post your desired result in some visual representation... This will remove a lot of doubts..

    What ColdCoffee means is.... read the first link in my signature and please do what it asks.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • ColdCoffee (6/2/2010)

    I sense the OP needs 4 columns out of the string, as in, FirstFacilityID ,FirstPatieintID, SecondFacilityID, SecondPatieintID ; these 4 columns will hold only intergers, stripped from the real string..

    Assuming that this is what the OP wants, then this code should work:

    -- See how you start off by actually creating a table and then

    -- inserting the data into it? Your doing this makes it a lot easier

    -- for all of us volunteers to help you. So, help us help you.

    -- See

    -- for more details on how to do all of this.

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (

    ID int IDENTITY,

    Col1 varchar(max)


    INSERT INTO @test-2

    SELECT 'Merged Facility Id:6644- Patient Id:072505 with Facility Id:6645- Patient Id: 072506'



    -- first, get the first two columns.

    SELECT Col1,

    Pos1 = CharIndex('Merged Facility Id:', Col1),

    Pos2 = CharIndex('Patient Id:', Col1)

    FROM @test-2

    ), CTE2 AS


    -- now, get the next two columns. (Need the first two columns in

    -- order to start after that to get the same names for the next two.)

    SELECT Col1,



    Pos3 = CharIndex('Facility Id:', Col1, Pos2),

    Pos4 = CharIndex('Patient Id:', Col1, Pos2+2)



    -- get the columns

    SELECT 'Merged Facility ID' = SubString(Col1, Pos1 +19, Pos2-Pos1-20),

    'First Patient ID' = SubString(Col1, Pos2+11, Pos3-Pos2-17),

    'Facility ID' = SubString(Col1, Pos3+12, Pos4-Pos3-13),

    'Second Patient ID' = SubString(Col1, Pos4+12, LEN(Col1)-Pos4-11)


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Yes always 2 facid and 2 patid, it is a merge from facid and patid (1st two) to 2nd facid and patid

  • Assumptions:

    1. "-" hyphens separate merged facility , (patient2 facility2) and patient 1

    2. "with" can separate patient2 from facility2

    3. ids can be variable length and are separated from label by ":"

    declare @msg varchar(200)

    set @msg = 'Merged Facility Id:6644- Patient Id:072505 with Facility Id:6645- Patient Id: 072506'

    select convert(int,FacilityId1) as FirstFacilityID

    , convert(int,substring(Msg, charindex(':',Msg)+1 ,200)) as FirstPatieintID -- correct spelling ? -> FirstPatientID

    , convert(int,FacilityId2) SecondFacilityID

    , convert(int,PatientId2) SecondPatieintID -- correct spelling ? -> SecondPatientID

    from (

    select FacilityId1

    , PatientId2

    ,substring(Msg, charindex(':',Msg)+1 ,charindex('-',Msg+'-')-charindex(':',Msg)-1) as FacilityId2

    ,substring(Msg,charindex('-', Msg+'-')+1,200) as Msg

    from (

    select FacilityId1

    ,substring(Msg, charindex(':',Msg)+1 ,charindex(' with ',Msg+' with ')-charindex(':',Msg)-1) as PatientId2

    ,substring(Msg,charindex(' with ', Msg+' with ')+1,200) as Msg

    from (


    substring( @msg, charindex(':',@msg)+1 ,charindex('-',@msg+'-')-charindex(':',@msg)-1) as FacilityId1

    ,substring(@msg,charindex('-', @msg+'-')+1,200) as Msg

    ) T

    ) T


  • This might also be a good place to start.

    DECLARE @msg nvarchar(max)

    set @msg = 'Merged Facility Id:6644- Patient Id:072505 with Facility Id:6645- Patient Id: 072506'

    Select replace(replace(replace(replace(@msg, ' Patient Id: ', ','), 'Merged Facility Id:', ''), ' with Facility Id:', ','), ' Patient Id:', ',')

    Splitting result on comma can be tally-table driven

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