Trigger question

  • I'm needing to basically create a minor audit trail for a column that I have in a database.

    The table name is Employees and the column I'm needing to audit for changes is one called TeamID.

    What I'm needing to know is :

    Can someone give me a fairly quick sample create trigger statement for this.  The table I'm wanting would store the following:  TeamUpdate, Employee ID, Old Team.  I'm having trouble determining how to reference the exact record I'm updating and want to make sure rather than fumbling around tryin to figure this out.

    Another question I have is if someone is using an Access front-end Form and "updates" the record, does this also cause the update trigger to fire off in SQL or do I need to worry about trapping this behavior somewhere else?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Create trigger tr_upd_employee on Employees for insert


    if @@rowCount = 0 return

    if Update ( TeamID )


     Insert into AuditTable ( EmlpoyeeID, OldTeam, NewTeam)

     select new.EmployeeID, ot.TeamName,  nt.TeamName

     from inserted new join deleted old on new.EmployeeID = old.EmployeeID 

             left join Teams ot on old.TeamID = ot.TeamName

             left join Teams nt on new.TeamID = nt.TeamName 




    And The Trigger will fire regardless what front-end you use




    * Noel

  • The code above is correct, except that the requirements seem to specify that should apply to table updates.  It does seem reasonable to capture the initial insert as well, which the current code does.  To capture updates, simply change the first line to read:

    Create trigger tr_upd_employee on Employees for insert, update

    Don't forget to make OldTeam nullable in audit table for the inserts.


    Scott Thornburg

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