Trigger to trace DML stmts in a table

  • Dear All,


    I need to trace all UPDATE,INSERT and DELETE of a table(STAFF table) using Trigger and store these information in a trace table.


    While INSET.DELETE,UPDATE a value to the STAFF table that same records or same SQL Statements should store in my Trace table.


    Please give  suggestion, how I can trace all these activates using triggers


    Is any other way other than triggers to Trace DML information ?




  • Mathew,

    This should be pretty easy.  After creating your Trace table (sometimes called an Audit table?), create a trigger for your subject table:

    Create trigger MyAuditTrigger

    FOR insert


    INSERT into TraceTable (Col(1), Col(2), Col(3), Col(n)ActionDate) values

    Select i.Col(1), i.Col(2), i.Col(3), Col(n), GetDate() from Inserted i


    Look in Books On Line for good examples of other triggers for the update and delete process.



  • Dear


    Thanks for your reply.

    I have one field in the audit table and that table I planed to put all values(select * from inserted) .


    Now your suggestion I can put only one values to one field. But need to store all values of inserted table to one field.


    Pls advice me




  • You will have to write a select statemen to concatinate it. And if you have defauls on columns it won't tell you if they actuall populated the column with the default or if it was the defaul that did it. What is your goal here? What do you hope to get out of this?

  • Dear


    My object is , if a table have 10 columns and these 10 columns inserted, I need to get all values in my trace table.( Select * from Inserted).

    If I can concatenate the contents of a row in to one variable, I have to insert this  variable to my trace table


    Help me on it



  • Sorry, I just think you are making a mountain here out of somethin normally done like this

    I have a table

    CREATE TABLE My_Data (

    Data_ID int identity(1,1) not null primary key,

    Data_Value varchar(20) not null,

    Data_Date datetime not null DEFAULT GETDATE(),

    Data_Meaning tinyint not null


    And say I want to audit change, I create a second table for data auditing like so.

    CREATE TABLE My_Data_Audit (

    Audit_Date datetime not null DEFAULT GETDATE(),

    Data_ID int not null,

    Data_Value varchar(20) not null,

    Data_Date datetime not null,

    Data_Meaning tinyint not null


    The I add the following to capture the changes and deletes only

    CREATE TRIGGER Audit_My_Data ON dbo.My_Data






    (Data_ID, Data_Value, Data_Date, Data_Meaning)

    SELECT * FROM deleted


    Now here is the thing, a data row cannot exist unless it was inserted so in and of itself it is the audit (except allowance for the datetime of the occurrance which is up to you if you resolve to the table or want to add an audit for inserts). Also I wouldn't take the data from inserted on UPDATES because either the current record in the min table or the next record in the audit table are the detail for that timeframe. Additionally you cannot generally withou a lot of effort capture failed items becase the rollback will undo it as well. Note also, I am a fan of namin your columns in a SELECT statement and never using * but in this case I usually make an exception as sometimes it is easy to overlook the audit trigger and forget to duplicat column changes to the audit table, using * will throw an error about column difference when you try.

    Lastly, if you are tryin to put all items in one column really is overkill, build your app or use reporting servies to help you work the data later.

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