Trim down merge replication upload/download size

  • Hello all,

    We have a merge replication that is running fine. The database is 2GB.

    However, we just got a nastygram from our internet provider warning us that we are exceeding our upload limit for the month; they claim we have uploaded almost 6GB last month.

    Does this sound right? If merge replication only sends changes, how could we be sending the equivalent of 3 times the entire database up in the form of uploads every month?

    I should mention that our database is text only....we do not merge any pictures or anything else that would be taking up a lot of bandwidth or space.

    Has anyone else come up against this? Is there any way to economize or limit how much our uploads are? Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance:)

  • You'd have to check on the various publications and amount of changes.

    I've seen 100MB databases have 1GB worth of changes a month. Replication moves all changes, so if someone does this.

    update sales

    set price = 30

    where orderid = 10

    update sales

    set price = 32

    where orderid = 10

    update sales

    set price = 33

    where orderid = 10

    You'd tripled the size of that particular transaction, but db size hasn't changed.'

  • Oh. Now I see. So the only way to economize is to make sure that every data change is the final change we want, not just an intermediate change.

    Any other suggestions? Can upload data be compressed in any way?


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