TRN Files

  • Hi Guys,

    This is my first post. I'm trying to restore transaction logs. I have a list of TRN files.

    In Enterprise Manager when I try to restore the logs i'm getting and error

    XXXXX.TRN is not apart of a multiple family media set.

    I need to restore the logs and record the time. Any help would be appreciated.



  • No one???

  • Are you adding all the files at once under the restore "From Device" radio button?

    Nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure... :w00t:

  • Dont forget to back up the tail of the log - you may need the latest transactions:)

  • have a look at

    I remember having this the first time that I tried to do a point in time restore from transaction log files, as I had added in all the transaction logs in the backup location dialog. I did them one at a time in the end.

    You could right a script to do the restores one at a time instead of using GUID.


  • Thanks for all your help guys! I appreciate it very much

  • You must start this process from the last full backup, remenber set the option to 'Restore with no recovery' This is the starting point. You must then apply each of the transaction logs in order, remembering to set the option to 'Restore with no recovery' until you reach the transaction log that should include the timeframe you require, remeber to set the "Stop at" time and select the "With Recovery" option for the last log restore.



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