Troubleshoot Maintenance Plan (backup) Long Running

  • Hi,

    Sql Server 2005 SP2

    Small databases

    I have a maintenance plan to perform CHECKDB, Reindex, Backup, Cleanup tasks in that order. Lately, its been running very very long. For more than 2 days.

    Initially it was because of a bunch of reasons i.e. disk ran out of space, TRN and BAK jobs running on top of each other, etc.

    But now, I created a new plan with just backup. Even that runs forever. Just simple backup, nothing else (small database).

    Now, if I create a job with T-Sql command and run it, it runs fast in under a second. But if I create a Maintenance Plan on the same database it takes forever.

    How do I troubleshoot this? I do not get any errors because, I stop the job after running for a few hours.

    Any ideas,


  • Hi,

    For the beginning maybe you should check what is hapenning with that process.

    You have plenty of solutions for that (activity monitor,DMV,etc.).

    My advice:

    --Run job again.

    -- use master..sysprocesses

    select *

    from master..sysprocesses

    where kpid <> 0 and spid > 50

    -- find your job and post results here (wait_type,wait_resource,blocked,cmd)

  • Execute the following query while the Maintenance Plan is running and check if there are any blocks or anything that the process is waiting on.

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests

    Also since the instance is running on SP2, it would be a good idea to upgrade to SP3 or above especially from Maintenance Plan perspective.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

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