Try Catch alters behaviour of existing procedures

  • doobya (7/7/2010)

    bteraberry (7/7/2010)If you want 'Y' to happen regardless of what happens with 'X' then don't put it in the same TRY.

    that is what I *am* doing! X and Y are in a SP with NO TRY BLOCK

    but the CALLING procedure IS using a TRY block and therefore breaks the tested and working logic

    Again, take a deep breath. You're not thinking. Everyone is telling you the same thing and you're not listening. If a higher severity error is unhanded in spA and spA gets called from within a TRY, it will stop execution and go to the CATCH. This is supposed to be this way and any other way would be stupid.

    what MS has done is a complete mess, I have described the correct approach that they should have taken

    which would allow procedures both with and without TRY blocks to work together perfectly, which I will explain again:

    for code in a procedure that is outside of a LOCAL TRY block

    that procedure *should* behave as it was written - no modification to existing behaviour

    whether or not the CALLING procedure is using a LOCAL TRY block or not

    IF the calling procedure IS using a LOCAL TRY block and calls a procedure which returns with @@error <> 0

    (and severity level > 10) THEN control should be passed to the CATCH block

    that is the correct, predictable and reliable way to implement it

    I doubt Microsoft would have made such a terrible mistake without reason - maybe there is some insurmountable

    hurdle to implementing it correctly - and they had no choice - who knows

    I'm sorry, but what you are suggesting is stupid. Crippling the functionality of error handling so that people can make calls to ghetto code without errors being handled is absurd. The simple solution is that if you don't want your errors to be handled in a particular call, do not make that call within the context of a TRY...CATCH.

    the only safe approach is to rewrite ALL existing stored procedures to work whether called within a TRY block or not ...

    I agree with you on this point. I would highly suggest making an effort to update your code as error handling is just one of many major improvements. While you're in the process, just don't make calls to yet-to-be-updated procs within TRY...CATCH blocks.

    Is that common knowledge or not?

    I think most people know and accept that after a 'BEGIN TRY' and before and 'END TRY', if an error is encountered the result will be the CATCH. That's the whole idea of error handling.

    If it is common knowledge please supply a link to an explanation and I apologise

    Otherwise please thank me for pointing it out

    But please don't miss the point

    Look up TRY...CATCH in Books Online. What you've discovered is exactly its purpose.

    └> bt

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  • Gosh... just adding my 2 cents... I don't understand what all the controversy is. The original post returns the results exactly the way I'd expect such code to return for the way it's written. Running proc A directly produces and error where expected and continues running... as expected. The TRY in proc B shortcircuits proc A as soon as the appropriate level error in proc A occurs.

    And, yes... the use of TRY/CATCH [font="Arial Black"]DOES[/font] change the functionality of the code insofar as the operation of errors with a severity of 11 or greater... the code is operating as designed and documented in Books Online.

    Now, if you really want to have some fun, throw a transaction into proc A with SET XACT_ABORT ON. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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  • Again, take a deep breath. You're not thinking. Everyone is telling you the same thing and you're not listening. If a higher severity error is unhanded in spA and spA gets called from within a TRY, it will stop execution and go to the CATCH. This is supposed to be this way and any other way would be stupid

    it isn't stupid ... because any procedure written without a TRY block will already have @@error style resumptive error handling

    *or* will work incorrectly if called without a TRY in the call stack

    Look up TRY...CATCH in Books Online. What you've discovered is exactly its purpose.

    I have read it in detail ... it makes no mention of how this situation is handled - which is why I wrote tests to find out

    The end result is the same - there are two ways to call the same procedure and they result in different behaviour

    which means that a stored procedure isn't really a procedure (a reusable behaviour)

    but is acting more like an include file

    with "exec dbo.spBlah" equating to "#include <dbo.spBlah>" but with parameters

    Don't get me wrong - I am not arguing "against" TRY CATCH

    Just illustrating that there is subtle problem which nobody seems to realise except me

    If this is common knowledge - prove it with a link

    I have searched this forum and google and found no mention of the dual behaviour issue

  • doobya (7/7/2010)

    If this is common knowledge - prove it with a link

    I have searched this forum and google and found no mention of the dual behaviour issue

    Common knowledge that an error handling mechanism handles errors? That's too obvious to possibly be true.

    Good luck with stuff.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • doobya (7/7/2010)

    Grant Fritchey (7/7/2010)

    But if you have pre-existing procs with established and functioning logic, why are you changing them to use TRY/CATCH at all? I would only suggest rewriting them as needed and migrating them to TRY/CATCH, and yes, updating the logic then.

    TRY/CATCH does work differently than @@error and thank the gods that it does. For example, please show me how to catch a deadlock error and resubmit the query without using TRY/CATCH.

    Why are people struggling to understand this simple post?

    - I have an EXISTING stored procedure that WORKS FINE "dbo.spWorks"

    - if I call this stored procedure "dbo.spWorks" from OUTSIDE a TRY block - it works OK

    - if I call this stored procedure "dbo.spWorks" from INSIDE a TRY block - it does not work any more

    I am NOT changing anything - just CALLING the SAME, UNCHANGED procedure from both INSIDE and OUTSIDE TRY blocks

    Excuse the caps but I am getting frustrated when people are missing such a simple point

    The trouble is that you are not understanding what people are saying - I think not understanding it at all. A stored procedure behaves in an environment, when you change the environment the behaviour changes. One part of the environment is the parameter values - I think you would be somewhat horrified if its behaviour didn't change when you changed the parameters. Another part of its environment is the schema it references: change that, and you will change the behavious - in fact the SP may go from doing something useful to falling about all over the place. Yet another part of its environment is the transaction isolation level - changing that can change the stored procedure from never causing a deadlock to causing frequent deadlocks. I could carry on listing components of the environment for a very long time, and all of them potentially change the behaviour of the stored procedure. but I think I've listed enough now. You can either accept that whether the stored procedure is invoked within a try block or not is one of those environmental factors that determine its behaviour, or you can refuse to recognise that simple fact - but if you continue to adopt the latter course you will never be able to cope with SQL or with any other programming language that has serious exception handling.


  • Excuse the caps but I am getting frustrated when people are missing such a simple point

    No one is missing the point. TRY...CATCH does exactly what you describe, it catches the first error no matter how deeply nested it is and stops executing code that follows, it is not a bug, it works that way by design, it always has.

    And yes it can cause you great problems if not used carefully.

    as an example, in csharp, calling a method from within a try block or not does not change the called method

    because that would be insane!

    But by your definition, it would. It would change it's 'behaviour' as it would stop executing code at the first error.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks all for your comments

    as long as the point is clear - mixing TRY with @@error can cause subtle problems

    and this point is not made in BOL, breaking changes, etc.

    and BOL is ambiguous about where in a resumptive procedure the execution will stop

    as throwing the error upon *returning* from a resumptive procedure would allow existing code to behave as expected

    I was surprised to find a different behaviour

  • doobya (7/8/2010)

    Thanks all for your comments

    as long as the point is clear - mixing TRY with @@error can cause subtle problems

    and this point is not made in BOL, breaking changes, etc.

    and BOL is ambiguous about where in a resumptive procedure the execution will stop

    as throwing the error upon *returning* from a resumptive procedure would allow existing code to behave as expected

    I was surprised to find a different behaviour

    If you don't mind, I'll just go ahead and disagree with you on all those points. 😉 It all works exactly as I expect it to work according to BOL and I find no ambiguity in any of it.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • If you don't mind, I'll just go ahead and disagree with you on all those points. 😉 It all works exactly as I expect it to work according to BOL and I find no ambiguity in any of it.


  • doobya (7/8/2010)

    If you don't mind, I'll just go ahead and disagree with you on all those points. 😉 It all works exactly as I expect it to work according to BOL and I find no ambiguity in any of it.


    Two things.

    First, Jeff isn't a troll. He is one of the most knowledgeable people on SSC and someone I consider a friend and mentor.

    Second, if a stores procedure were executed as an autonomous unit of code within a TRY/CATCH block, you would nees to manually code the testing of the return value from the stored procedure in order to raise rhe appropriate error in order for the TRY/CATCH to work properly. In addition, the TRY/CATCH would have issues with unexpected errors that were not caught inside the stored procedure.

  • Doobya

    With no offence, let me put my understanding here:

    When you do exec dbo.spTryTestA, you get


    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spTryTestA, Line 5



    This is because u raised high severity error and there is no error handling in proc. Now u execute this proc from Proc B,which has code like this:

    create proc dbo.spTryTestB



    begin try

    raiserror('spTryTestB:1', 0, 1)

    exec dbo.spTryTestA

    raiserror('spTryTestB:2', 0, 1)

    end try

    begin catch

    raiserror('spTryTestB:3', 0, 1)

    end catch

    Here first line of proc executes fine.In second line(exec Proc A) you receive error at raiserror('spTryTestA:2', 16, 1) from proc A. So only first line of proc A comes fine. Then you enter CATCH of proc B. And error is raised from CATCH. So it all is working as expected.

    Online Trainer For SQL DBA and Developer @RedBushTechnologies with 18 yrs exp.

  • this table shows whether errors are handled resumptively or not

    remember that when calling execute on a connection (eg. outside of a procedure) the caller is "no try"



    caller called body catch


    no try no try resumptive -

    no try try throw resumptive

    try no try throw -

    try try throw throw




    caller called body catch


    no try no try resumptive -

    no try try throw throw

    try no try resumptive -

    try try throw throw


    "better" because:

    - existing stored procedures do not break

    - catch blocks work consistently

    - overall less fragile

    This is what I am learning before I start converting 100s of procedures to use (or work correctly with) TRY ... CATCH


    What it means is that I need to calculate the dependency tree for all modules that support TRY and alter the objects from the leaves to the root

    as calling an old procedure from a new procedure might fail, but calling a new one from an old shouldn't - as long as I take into account the fact that catch blocks are resumptive unless there is a TRY in the callstack

  • To be fair, I do understand doobya's annoyance at having to change so many of his existing procedures if he's going to use TRY/CATCH. That would make me upset as well. But BOL says that's how it works, so that's how it works. A good rule of thumb seems to be: Don't count on code continuing to execute after an error, unless it is expressly created error-trapping code.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • doobya (7/8/2010)

    If you don't mind, I'll just go ahead and disagree with you on all those points. 😉 It all works exactly as I expect it to work according to BOL and I find no ambiguity in any of it.


    Heh... brilliant. I work out your original example by hand based on what I found in BOL. I get exactly the same answer by hand as I eventually got by running your code which proves to me that BOL is spot on and you infer I'm a troll because [font="Arial Black"]you [/font]just don't get it? Good luck with your changes. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Double Forward Fourier Transforms ??


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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