Trying to generate XML result with Header, CDATA

  • Hi all,

    I'm using SQL 2005, sp0 and sp1 (that is, I've tested against both).

    I've trying to find a way to have my SP return the following:



    Now, from what I've read so far, CDATA is best (only?) done in XML EXPLICIT. So I have to following:


    /****** Object: Table [PromotionRuleSet] Script Date: 08/21/2006 12:02:23 ******/

    IF OBJECT_ID ('[PromotionRuleSet]') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE [PromotionRuleSet]





    CREATE TABLE [PromotionRuleSet](

    [UID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [PromotionRuleSetStatusType_Uno] [smallint] NOT NULL,

    [PromotionRuleSetText] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,

    [PromotionRuleSetToken] [nchar](16) NOT NULL,

    [CreatedOn] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_CreatedOn_PromotionRuleSet] DEFAULT (getdate()),

    [CreatedBy] [sysname] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_CreatedBy_PromotionRuleSet] DEFAULT (user_name()),

    [LastChangedOn] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_LastChangedOn_PromotionRuleSet] DEFAULT (getdate()),



    [UID] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert INTO [PromotionRuleSet]




    SELECT -1,'Rule 1','20060627_0000001'

    UNION all

    SELECT -1,'Rule 2','20060627_0000002'

    UNION all

    SELECT -1,'Rule 3','20060627_0000003'

    UNION all

    SELECT 2,'Rule 4','20060627_0000004'

    DECLARE @RuleSetToken nCHAR(16)

    SET @RuleSetToken = '20060627_0000001'

    SELECT 1 AS Tag,

    0 AS Parent,

    NULL AS [PromotionRuleSet!1!PromotionRuleSet],

    NULL AS [RuleSetText!2!!CDATA]


    SELECT 2 AS Tag,

    1 AS Parent,

    NULL AS [PromotionRuleSet!1!PromotionRuleSet],

    PromotionRuleSetText AS [RuleSetText!2!!CDATA]

    FROM [PromotionRuleSet]

    WHERE PromotionRuleSetToken = @RuleSetToken

    ORDER BY Tag


    IF OBJECT_ID ('[PromotionRuleSet]') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE [PromotionRuleSet]


    This generates the nodes, with the CDATA, but I've not found a way to add the xml header. anyone?

    ...GRRR - forums destroying my attempt to show the XML... I'll try in a next post..

  • XML required:

    ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?


    RuleSetText ![CDATA[Rule 1]] /RuleSetText


    --I'm afraid adding the GREATER THAN and LESS THAN tags, amkes the text invisible!

    What I get atm:


    RuleSetText ![CDATA[Rule 1]] /RuleSetText


    --again - add the GT's and LT's.

    I need to find a way of adding

    ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?

    while generating CDATA section...

  • How are you persisting the generated xml ? I've never seen SQL Server generate the xml declaration and there's no way I can see of inserting it into the stream. If you're using VBScript within a DTS package or an equivalent then you can script the inclusion of the declaration there instead.

    If you need an example let me know.

    Sorry I can't be more help.

  • Hi Noggin,

    thanks for the response.

    I'm currently look at a stored procedure that I had hoped would be able to include the XML header as part of the XML result returned. There are ways to 'hack' this by appending, for example, the header as a string to a string conversion of the XML, and then casting the resulting string as XML, and assigning it to the variable.... I know it ugly - I did say it was a hack (maybe klidge would be a more appropriate label).

    However, I seem to be having a strange problem trying to use even that soultion when using XML explicit to create my XML with the CDATA scetion.

    In an ideal world, I was hoping that somone with a bit more experience was going to tell me about a parametre I hadn't found that would include a header, something like:


    but it would seem there is no such thing...

    I may end up having to do this in the SSIS package (we are using sql 2005 []) - I was thinking of creating the target file, then using a .Net script component to edit the file and include the header, since I don't know of a way to do this before writing the file (open to suggestions though).

    Well, thanks for the response... let me know if you have any comments/suggestions

  • If you're going to use SSIS I answered a similar question here

    Instead of using a StreamWriter you could create an XMLDocument or XMLTextWriter which will enable you to easily save the file with the required encoding and declaration.

  • great, thanks Noggin - I'm going to play around with that. Since I'm a virtual virgin with .Net, Weould it be alright if I ran a question ro 2 past you, in this thread, as I play around with this?


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