TSQL Business Rule Implementation Between Two Tables

  • Hello,

    I am writing a report in SSRS and at first thought I would implement these biz rules at the report level but finding it inferior to the task. So now I can either implement as custom code (vb.net) in SSRS or at TSQL level which would be my preference.

    So the majority of the business rule I have already satisfied. It is this last step that has me stumped. To make it simple I have provided a sample table that represents the data I need to work with.

    DECLARE @TeamTable TABLE


    TeamID VARCHAR(3),

    AssignedTask INT


    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('AAA', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('BBB', 45)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('CCC', 67)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('DDD', 11)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('EEE', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('FFF', 10)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('GGG', 11)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('HHH', 6)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('III', 3)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('JJJ', 11)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('KKK', 0)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('LLL', 4)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('MMM', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('NNN', 1)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('OOO', 0)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('PPP', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('QQQ', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('RRR', 0)

    This query get's the data in a manner that accurately represents my dataset:

    SELECT TT.TeamID, TT.AssignedTask, RANK() OVER

    (ORDER BY TT.AssignedTask DESC) AS 'Rank'

    FROM @TeamTable TT

    WHERE AssignedTask > 0

    Now here is the trick. I have to assign a weighted value to each team based upon the number of teams that have 1 or more task assigned and I don't know what to do next. So in my sample data you'll see that teams KKK, OOO, RRR have zero so 15 is our top point value and I get that using:


    SET @RankMax = @@ROWCOUNT

    SELECT @RankMax

    So team CCC gets 15 points because they are top dog and it scales down.....with a twist. BBB gets 14.

    AAA, EEE, MMM, PPP, QQQ all tied. So the next set of points are added then averaged and everyone gets the average score.

    So 5 teams tied thus 13,12,11,10,9 are added together to equal 55 divided by 5 means each team gets 11 points.

    Then we move down to JJJ, GGG, DDD another tie. 8 + 7 + 6=21 and 21/3 = 7

    The rest go down to zero. So the final recordset would look like this:

    TeamID | AssignTask | Rank |

    CCC 67 15

    BBB 45 14

    AAA 12 11

    EEE 12 11

    MMM 12 11

    PPP 12 11

    QQQ 12 11

    JJJ 11 7

    GGG 11 7

    DDD 11 7

    FFF 10 5

    HHH 6 4

    LLL 4 3

    III 3 2

    NNN 1 1

    Not looking for anyone to do my homework just a pointer or two in how to approach the problem would be much appreciated.

    Thank You

  • You can try something like this...

    DECLARE @TeamTable TABLE


    TeamID VARCHAR(3),

    AssignedTask INT


    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('AAA', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('BBB', 45)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('CCC', 67)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('DDD', 11)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('EEE', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('FFF', 10)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('GGG', 11)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('HHH', 6)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('III', 3)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('JJJ', 11)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('KKK', 0)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('LLL', 4)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('MMM', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('NNN', 1)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('OOO', 0)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('PPP', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('QQQ', 12)

    INSERT INTO @TeamTable VALUES ('RRR', 0)

    select TeamID, AssignedTask, AVG(Rank1) OVER(PARTITION BY AssignedTask) AS 'Avg'



    SELECT TT.TeamID, TT.AssignedTask

    , RANK() OVER (ORDER BY TT.AssignedTask, TEAMID DESC) AS 'Rank1'

    FROM @TeamTable TT

    WHERE AssignedTask > 0


  • Here's another way that eliminates the need for the outer query:

    SELECT TeamID, AssignedTask

    ,r=RANK() OVER (ORDER BY AssignedTask) +

    COUNT(AssignedTask) OVER (PARTITION BY AssignedTask)/2

    FROM @TeamTable

    WHERE AssignedTask > 0


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