• Thanks David.


    I think that script is the nearest we are going to get.


    It still leaves Photoshop CS2 the same and doesn't put the CS2 in the version field, but I can probably live with that.



  • Or you can create a 2nd column called version.  Update the name and the version with and update query, then manually update the rows such as photoshop.  Then update the application to insert that into two columns.  Then you can definitly forget about that problem.

  • LEFT([name],LEN([name])-CHARINDEX(' ',REVERSE([name]),PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',REVERSE([name])))+1) AS [name],

    RIGHT([name],CHARINDEX(' ',REVERSE([name]),PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',REVERSE([name])))-1) AS [name]

    may give you better results overall but I think you need to profile the data to see if there is any definate correlation in structure

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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