TSQL LAB 2 - Writing Conditional WHERE Clauses

  • What prevents dynamic SQL from either (A) making use of an existing inline table valued function, or (B) dynamically creating a subquery equivalent to the inline table valued function and APPLYing it??

    Not to take away from all the discussion about COALESCE, etc., but previous forums have pretty well established the benefits of parameterized dynamic SQL against old-school approaches to building "universal" WHERE clauses.

    That said, I would be very interested in seeing any studies and statistics to the contrary.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Not to be too lazy but do you have links to those other forum posts?


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  • I haven't saved them, no. Some might be a year or more older. I'll see if I can search for a couple.



    You can find tens of thousands if you search on DYNAMIC WHERE / CONDITIONAL WHERE etc.

    Try these for starters;




    The last is included for fairness. Read on down into the discussion and you will see Kimberly allude to issues with sp_executeSQL.

    I will listen respectfully to whatever she has to say.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Of course a dynamic script can call an inline table-valued function, though, as far I know, a dynamic script can't be run from an inline table-valued function because neither EXEC nor sp_executesql could be called from a SQL Server UDF of any type.

    There is also a third possibility, namely to create a CLR UDF or stored procedure, following to built the SQL Script inside of it based on the provided parameters. CLR objects come with their own limitations though they could prove to be quite useful in certain scenarios, for example in running a dynamically created script for each record in a dataset like in this post (http://sql-troubles.blogspot.com/2010/06/number-of-records-clr-version.html).

    Also for me it would be interesting to see comparisons between the 2 or 3 approaches, especially when they consider a whole range of possibilities of executing the same object but with different parameters.

  • though, as far I know, a dynamic script can't be run from an inline table-valued function because neither EXEC nor sp_executesql could be called from a SQL Server UDF of any type.

    That's correct. (Why would you want to?) For clarity's sake, please refrain from referring to inline table-valued functions as UDFs. They are not the same thing. The performance of inline table valued functions is WAY better than UDFs. You may know the difference but don't confuse newcomers.

    There is also a third possibility, namely to create a CLR UDF or stored procedure, following to built the SQL Script inside of it based on the provided parameters. CLR objects come with their own limitations though they could prove to be quite useful in certain scenarios, for example in running a dynamically created script for each record in a dataset like in this post (http://sql-troubles.blogspot.com/2010/06/number-of-records-clr-version.html).

    While CLRs have many advantages over T-SQL in character manipulation, I thought this post was concerned with dynamically selecting rows. That is better accomplished in T-SQL where the optimizer can work out an efficient plan to build the result set. One of the major problems with trying to build universal WHERE clauses and passing nulls is that the optimizer often can't determine the appropriate index to use and chooses to do a table scan.

    (If you were talking about using CLR to dynamically generate TSQL code to be executed, never mind.)

    I've written code that creates functions and stored procedures on the fly and then uses or executes them. However I have since abandoned that approach because, in my experience, parameterized dynamic SQL has proven to be simpler and more efficient.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Sorry, I don't want to enter in any conflicts related to terminology (or of any type) as meaning is highly dependent on context, communities and is in continuous change. It's also possible that I have misunderstood the denominations used and for this I apologize, though as per SQL Server Books Online (see CREATE FUNCTION http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186755.aspx) as UDF (used defined function) are considered scalar functions, inline table-valued functions, multistatement table-valued functions, CLR scalar functions and CLR table-valued functions. Also the documentation could be wrong, though I prefer to stick to it and take into account possible alternative denominations.

    Each person, no matter of its intellectual or skills development has its own pace of learning, I understand that too much (contradictory) information could create confusion, though I believe that it's better to know that something exists even if it's still hard to apprehend that something. When belief comes into play there is already terrain for conflict. I hope you respect my opinion as I respect your opinion too.

    Best regards

  • sql-troubles (7/30/2010)

    Sorry, I don't want to enter in any conflicts related to terminology (or of any type) as meaning is highly dependent on context, communities and is in continuous change. It's also possible that I have misunderstood the denominations used and for this I apologize, though as per SQL Server Books Online (see CREATE FUNCTION http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186755.aspx) as UDF (used defined function) are considered scalar functions, inline table-valued functions, multistatement table-valued functions, CLR scalar functions and CLR table-valued functions. Also the documentation could be wrong, though I prefer to stick to it and take into account possible alternative denominations.

    Each person, no matter of its intellectual or skills development has its own pace of learning, I understand that too much (contradictory) information could create confusion, though I believe that it's better to know that something exists even if it's still hard to apprehend that something. When belief comes into play there is already terrain for conflict. I hope you respect my opinion as I respect your opinion too.

    Best regards

    I must yield to your authority regarding the meaning of UDF. I stand corrected and will try to be more clear in my terminology. 🙂

    I am in the habit of using UDF to mean a scalar function. No disrespect was intended.

    Lets try this again with respect to functions. My summary, without reference to outside authority.

    Scalar user-defined functions: classic way of doing functions, slow performing compared to inline table valued functions or CLR functions, potentially fatal if they do SELECTs from the database themselves.

    Multi-statement table-valued functions: handy for logic that would be excessively complicated to do with case statements, but suffer from the same performance problems as scalar functions.

    Inline table valued functions: essentially parameterized views which can be accurately evaluated and worked into an efficient execution plan by the optimizer

    CLR functions: can provide performance gains in sophisticated character manipulations or calculations (and much much more... just ask Paul White)

    Best regards.



    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thank you Bob, we have similar perception on the "definition" of each type of function.

    Best regards,


  • Jacob,

    there is a simple solution to make < and > work with non-dynamic version, when parameter is null.

    In your example:


    Option 1

    This will not work if "@ReorderPoint" IS NULL


    SELECT *

    FROM Production.Product

    WHERE ReorderPoint > ISNULL(@ReorderPoint,ReorderPoint)

    make it like this:

    -- This does work if "@ReorderPoint" IS NULL

    SELECT *

    FROM Production.Product

    WHERE ReorderPoint > ISNULL(@ReorderPoint, ReorderPoint -1)

  • There is a great article by the way, on dynamic SQL and the ways to avoid it here:


  • Thanks - nice article.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Ok... after reading this a second time, I have to ask... what about performance? Under optimal conditions (ie. correct indexes on the table), which method(s) will actually be the most performant and still be SQL Injection proof? That's the kind of information that should also be included in articles of this nature. And, no... I really don't want to have to go to someone else's article to find out that kind of information. A standard million row test should do. 😉

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  • I didnt notice if anyone mentioned this, but I've run into some very odd things when attempting to pass NULL as a parameter value though a web service back to SQL server. We have standardized on passing a 0 back when we want to exclude that parameter and the conditional where clause looks something like:

    select *

    from someTable


    (someTable.Value = @myParam OR @myParam = 0)

  • This might work, now it depends what meaning the 0 value has for you:

    select *

    from someTable

    where IsNull(someTable.Value, 0) = @myParam

  • that will only get the records where the value is null. and only if you passa zero as the param value.

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