Turbo for SQL Server

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/kKellenberger/turboforsqlserver.asp

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • As an FYI, Turbo is powering the search at SQLServerCentral.com.

  • I don't want to say that sql Turbo is a bad product, we are very happy with the speed, but found some issues with it:

    - Memory management issues, as with everything using sp_OA... it runs in the "executable code" memory zone and not the "Memory pool". That forced us to buy more memory because Executable code memory zone has a fixed size (that could be set through a startup parameter) and increasing it reduced the buffer available for the "standard" queries with a negative impact on performances...

    - Security issues (I like to remove sp_OA... from all my production servers)

    - Troubles mixing standard sql indexes and Sql Turbo indexes...

    - This forced us to created a Sql Turbo index on a bit column, resulting in "strange" behaviour.

    Best Regards



    p.s. sorry for the bad English it's not my mother tongue

  • Has anyone any idea what's happened to SQL Turbo? It appears that Quest (who were distributing it) have wiped all mention of it from their website.

    Frustrating, as we're using SQL Turbo on a server, and I was looking at the options for running SQL Turbo on a dedicated server, as we've found that the rebuilding of the indexes is sucking performance from the database server. It appears you need a separate version (SQL Turbo Server) for this, but it's disappeared from sight.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Have you tried contacting the company?

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Yes, since my post I've been doing some more digfging, and have been in contact with Quest, who bought Imceda.

    It transpires that they have "sunsetted" the product, and no longer sell it.

    However they have passed my query on to techie so maybe I'll get some assistance.

  • As Quest have pulled the plug on SQL Turbo are you likely to reconsider a new index service provider?

    I really liked Turbo and was waiting for a 64 bit release, which will now never come.

  • Well for the moment it's doing its job, so I'll continue using it. Maybe the "enhanced" features on SQL2008 or whatever will make it redundant? Who can tell.

  • I hope sql2008 iFTS has some good features too.

    When using Turbo it can return total number of matches found extremely quickly even searching millions of rows. I struggle to see how SQL using fts will be able to do this without having to return back all the rows in the query and then counting them etc. I hope Microsoft will prove me wrong but i'm not holding up much hope.

    I did find on the web that Microsoft have purchased a Scandinavian Enterprise class search tool so may be they will bring this in line in a few years.

  • Yes, the "page at a time" features of SQLTurbo are great, aren't they.

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