Two Things

  • Adolf Hitler

    Paul McCartney/John Lennon

    Albert Einstein

    Elvis Presley

    John F Kennedy

    Martin Luther King Jr

    Bill Gates

    Jonas Salk

    Mahatma Ghandi

    Mao Tse Tung

    .... hmmm Makes me realize how much I don't know about the 20th century...

  • Did I miss something, or are we not in the twenty-first century?

    Here is my opinion on "Who were the top ten people of the twentieth century to have influenced the world?"

    There are two persons on my list that do not appear to be on any of the other posts, Sigmund Freud and Theodore Roosevelt.

    Thomas Edison - Applied principles of mass production to the process of invention.

    Albert Einstein Relativity vs Absolute

    Henry Ford - Assembly line manufacturing resulting in the rise of the middle class.

    Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis (1901 - The Interpretation of Dreams and The Psychopathology of Everyday Life)

    Mahatma Gandhi - Civil Disobedience with adopters including Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.

    John M. Keynes - Economic theory and policy

    The Dictators (Lenin, Hitler and Stalin) - They has a negative influnce including Supremacy of the State over the Individual, acceptance of state activities versus racial or religious groups (Genocide).

    Franklin Roosevelt - Regulation of Economy by the Government.

    Theodore Roosevelt US President in 1901 - Anti-Monopoly, Trust-busting and Conservation.

    Mao-Tse Tung Unified China, Eliminated foreign domination, Cultural Revolution, Population Contral.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • In some semblance of chronological order ... explanations where I deem necessary:

    Lenin [Greater influence than Stalin, IMO ... Stalin exacerbated the threat of Communism, but Lenin started it]




    Martin Luther King, Jr. [Tough call between him and Gandhi]

    JFK [Largely responsible for the fact that the Earth didn't turn into a radioactive cinder in 1962]

    The Beatles

    Mother Teresa



    Runners-up:  Gandhi, Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Gorbachev, Khomeni (sp?), Stalin, Saddam, Osama bin Laden

  • I know you are probably just posting troll for fun, or at least I hope you are, because otherwise you are proving that your ignorance is the source of your bliss in at least two ways:

    1. You read Steve's original post in a "blissful" way, ignoring the fact that he asks who was most influential (not who was alive in any certain way and also influential).

    2. You read my post in an equally "blissful" way, ignoring the fact that I explicitly address your concern in my post.

    So thanks for the entertainment at least.

  • Chris... sounds like you either had a really bad day, or someone ran over your dog today.  In either case, you just need to PRAISE JESUS!!!!!


    And all will be forgiven

    DBA with an attitude

  • Now, now children.  Stop squabbling.

    Some thoughts:

    1. Steve: this was an interesting idea but if the level of "debate" amongst intelligent people can so quickly be reduced to abuse then I'd think long and hard before offering another questionnaire.

    2. It's easy to see how religion has been the cause of so much conflict over the centuries.

    3. I'd take a guess that most of this debate has come from west of the Atlantic - self-proclaimed home of free speech.  Don't knock the other guy for using the same freedoms you have... however much you might disagree with or object to his/her point of view.

    4. I would call myself a Christian and the guys I work with know that; I don't push my beliefs in their faces... Jesus never did.  Yes, he took direct action (moneylenders) but beyond that he created the opportunities for others to come to him.... and then waited.  Listen and learn, guys; listen and learn.


  • One final thought...

    How come none of the folk who cited Jesus as one of their choices picked the Devil as well?  If you believe that Jesus was influential then, surely, you cannot deny that the Devil was (at least) as influential.

    Let's be honest about these things and not just present one side of the argument.

    [Lights blue touch paper and retires to a safe distance.]


  • Or Pharaoh Akhenaten who came up with the idea of montheism in the first place!

  • Nice to see someone else including Keynes, since his economic models practically ran the planet for 50 years. I'm just surprised you didn't include his polar opposite Hayek, whose theories, developed at the same time as Keynes, sometimes literally side-by-side with Keynes, have proven to be more accepted in the last 25 years or so.

    In case anyone asks, yes, "Commanding Heights" was pretty much a revelation for me. I push it as often as possible. Great book. Amazing history. Reads almost like a debate between artificial and natural primary keys.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Because women have been so ill-represented, I'll have to make mine an all-female list!

    Again, not in order of importance or influence - or necessarily global...

    Rosa Parks

    Mother Theresa

    Marie Curie

    Amelia Earhart

    Indira Gandhi

    Margaret Sanger

    Helen Keller

    Aung San Suu Kyi

    Gloria Steinem

    Since Jesus has been mentioned in a few posts, I give to you this last name - without whom Jesus would not have been possible...

    The Virgin Mary

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I wondered how long you could resist this thread.

    And you forgot to add yourself to the list for making women a priority for this list.

    List of most influential women 20th century:

    Susan B. Anthony

    Emily Dickinson

    Harriet Tubman

    Margaret Mitchell

    Ayn Rand

    Margaret Mead

    Sylvia Plath

    Helen Keller

    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen of the United Kingdom



  • I "resisted" this thread only because Steve moved away from "Anything that is not SQL" - (wisely so, I may add) - & I wasn't even aware of the new "Editorials" forum until yesterday...

    Though flattery will most certainly get you everywhere (& also places you don't want to be) - I think I'll "pass" on having my name added...a good substitute will be Queen Mary 1 of England for giving to the world a great cocktail - the Bloody Mary..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Albert Einstein

    Norman Borlaug

    Henry Ford


    Adolf Hitler

    Bill Shockley/John Bardeen/Walter Brattain


    Philo Farnsworth

    The Wright Brothers


    Took a few liberties here, and it's a very American-centric list, but this was supposedly the 'American Century', right?

  • I'm surprised at a few names that didn't make anyone's lists.

    Watson & Crick : discovered structure of DNA.

    Jackie Robinson : Baseball color barrier in the US.

    Neville Chamberlain : British PM who advocated the policy of Appeasement in the first place, allowing Hitler to gain power.

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand : His assassination led to the start of WWI.

    General George S. Patton : North Africa, Sicily, his fake army held the majority of German forces away from France, his own blitzkrieg through France and into Germany, Battle of the Bulge.

    General Erwin Rommel : Revolutionized tank tactics leading to Germany's surprising run into Poland and throughout Europe and North Africa.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Here is my list:

    Allan Greenspan

    Ronald Reagan



    Bill Gates

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    Mahadma Ghandi

    Marting Luther King


    The Beattles

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)

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