Two way transactional replication.

  • I took a full backup of the db to be replicated and restored on server to be configured as subscriber.Then I configured Transactional replication with updatable subscriptions, Immediate updating,push subscription.

    Is it a two-way replication ? If not what else option should be set to make it two way ?

    Also , when i perform a test - insert/update, It reports an error -

    Transactional Replication Triggers are Missing on Subscriber

    Server: Msg 50000, Level 15, State 5, Line 12

    Please advise.

  • ansz5 (7/2/2008)

    I took a full backup of the db to be replicated and restored on server to be configured as subscriber.Then I configured Transactional replication with updatable subscriptions, Immediate updating,push subscription.

    Is it a two-way replication ? If not what else option should be set to make it two way ?

    Also , when i perform a test - insert/update, It reports an error -

    Transactional Replication Triggers are Missing on Subscriber

    Server: Msg 50000, Level 15, State 5, Line 12

    Please advise.

    take a look at "peer-to-peer" replication

    * Noel

  • I am soory , I forgot to mention that I am working on SQL Server 2000.

    so .. no option for 'Peer to Peer Replication'

    Please advise.

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