UDF and SP

  • I have code that works fine in SQL Server 2000 and I need it to work in SQL Server 7.0. The problem is I am using a UDF and they are not supported in 7.0.

    Can this work with a stored procedure?

    They are three separate SQL statements,

    select p.[Name] AS [Priority], avg(datediff(dd,dbo.LastLookupDate('Priority', r.Priority, r.RequestID),r.ClosedDate)) AS [Average Days to Close]

    FROM a_request r INNER JOIN r_priority p ON r.Priority = p.PriorityID

    WHERE p.Retired = 'N'

    AND NOT ClosedDate IS NULL

    AND (@StartDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate >= @StartDate)

    AND (@EndDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate <= @EndDate)

    GROUP BY p.[Name]

    select p.[Name] AS [Priority], min(datediff(hh,dbo.LastLookupDate('Priority', r.Priority, r.RequestID),r.ClosedDate)) AS [Minimum Hours to Close]

    FROM a_request r INNER JOIN r_priority p ON r.Priority = p.PriorityID

    WHERE p.Retired = 'N'

    AND NOT ClosedDate IS NULL

    AND (@StartDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate >= @StartDate)

    AND (@EndDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate <= @EndDate)

    GROUP BY p.[Name]

    select p.[Name] AS [Priority], max(datediff(dd,dbo.LastLookupDate('Priority', r.Priority, r.RequestID),r.ClosedDate)) AS [Maximum Days to Close]

    FROM a_request r INNER JOIN r_priority p ON r.Priority = p.PriorityID

    WHERE p.Retired = 'N'

    AND NOT ClosedDate IS NULL

    AND (@StartDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate >= @StartDate)

    AND (@EndDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate <= @EndDate)

    The user defined function pretty much returns the last updated date, and if there were no updates, it returns the opened date

    User Defined Function

    CREATE FUNCTION LastLookupDate(

    @Action VARCHAR(20),

    @Value VARCHAR(20),

    @RequestID INT


    RETURNS DateTime




    SELECT @LastUpdate = LastUpdated

    FROM a_log l

    WHERE Type = @Action

    AND RequestID = @RequestID

    AND [NewID] = @Value

    AND LogID = (SELECT MAX(LogID) FROM a_log WHERE Type = @Action AND RequestID = @RequestID)

    IF @LastUpdate IS NULL BEGIN

    SELECT @LastUpdate = OpenDate FROM a_request WHERE RequestID = @RequestID


    RETURN @LastUpdate


  • Don't have your tables, so it'd be easier for you to check this out than me.

    I'd try simply rewriting things as an inner join. For the first SQL statement you showed, I got this:

    select p.[Name] AS [Priority]

    ,avg(datediff(dd,ISNULL(l.LastUpdated, r.OpenDate),r.ClosedDate)) AS [Average Days to Close]

    FROM a_request r INNER JOIN r_priority p ON r.Priority = p.PriorityID

    INNER JOIN a_log l ON (l.RequestID = r.RequestID)

    WHERE p.Retired = 'N'

    AND NOT ClosedDate IS NULL

    AND (@StartDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate >= @StartDate)

    AND (@EndDate IS NULL OR ClosedDate <= @EndDate)

    AND l.Type = 'Priority'

    AND l.RequestID = r.RequestID

    AND [NewID] = r.Priority

    AND LogID = (SELECT MAX(LogID) FROM a_log WHERE Type = 'Priority' AND RequestID = r.RequestID)

    GROUP BY p.[Name]

    If that works, you should be able to make the same changes to your other statements to adapt them to working without the UDF.

    R David Francis

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