• I am converting an Access Public Function into a UDF in SQL. It is passed a field, which is a datetime field in both Access and SQL. The field could be a 'yyyy-mm' field or a field with '9999 Manual' in it. If the date is in the current month it returns 'CURRENT', if the date is older than four years from the current month, it returns 'PRIOR', if the field is '9999 Manual' then it returns '9999 Manual, if it is NULL then it returns a ''(zero-length string), and otherwise it reformats the date to the 'yyyy-mm' format.

    Here is the Access version:

    Public Function ReFormatDate(xdate As String) As String

       xdate1 = Nz(xdate, "")

       If xdate1 = "" Then

          ReFormatDate = ""

          Exit Function

       End If

       yyear = Val(Mid(xdate1, 1, 4))

       ymonth = Val(Mid(xdate1, 6, 2))

       If yyear = "9999" Then

          ReFormatDate = xdate1

          Exit Function

       End If

       ydate = CDate(ymonth & "/01/" & yyear)

       If CommDate48Month = 0 Then

          sDate48 = Format(DateAdd("m", -48, Date$), "mm/01/yyyy")

          CommDate48Month = CDate(sDate48)

       End If

       If CommDate00Month = 0 Then

          sDate00 = Format(DateAdd("m", -0, Date$), "mm/01/yyyy")

          CommDate00Month = CDate(sDate00)

       End If


        If ydate = CommDate00Month Then

          ReFormatDate = " CURRENT"


          If ydate < CommDate48Month Then

             ReFormatDate = " PRIOR"


             ReFormatDate = Format(ydate, "YYYY-MM")

          End If

       End If


    End Function

    Here is the SQL version:

    CREATE function ReFormatDate (@date varchar(15), @CurrentDate datetime)

    RETURNS varchar(15)



    /*Converts date to 'yyyy-mm' format*/

    DECLARE @ReformatDate varchar(15)

    DECLARE @CommDate00Month As Datetime

    DECLARE @CommDate48Month As Datetime

    DECLARE @date1 varchar(15)

    DECLARE @ydate Datetime

    DECLARE @sDate00 Datetime

    DECLARE @sDate48 Datetime

    DECLARE @ymonth varchar(10)

    DECLARE @yyear varchar(10)


    SET @date1=ISNULL(@date,'')

    IF @date1 = '' BEGIN

        SET  @ReFormatDate = ''

        GOTO ExitFunction


    SET @yyear = SUBSTRING(@date1, 1, 4)

    SET @ymonth = SUBSTRING(@date1, 6, 2)


    If @yyear = '9999' BEGIN

     SET @ReFormatDate = @date1

     GOTO ExitFunction


    SET @ydate = CAST((@ymonth + '/01/' + @yyear) AS Datetime)

    SET @sDate48 = convert(char(10),(DateAdd(month, -48, @CurrentDate)),101)

    SET @sDate48 = RIGHT('0' + convert(varchar(2), DatePart(month, @sDate48)), 2) + '/01/' + CAST(year(@sDate48) AS varchar(4))

    SET @sDate48 = convert(char(10),@sDate48,101)

    SET @sDate00 = convert(char(10),(DateAdd(month, -0, @CurrentDate)),101)

    SET @sDate00 = RIGHT('0' + convert(varchar(2), DatePart(month, @sDate00)), 2) + '/01/' + CAST(year(@sDate00) AS varchar(4))

    SET @sDate00 = convert(char(10),@sDate00,101)

    If @ydate = @sDate00 BEGIN

       SET @ReFormatDate = ' CURRENT'


    Else If @ydate < @sDate48 BEGIN

      SET @ReFormatDate = ' PRIOR'


    Else SET @ReFormatDate = convert(char(07),@ydate,120)

    GOTO ExitFunction


    RETURN @ReformatDate


    Whenever '9999 Manual' is passed in, I get the error:

    Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ReFormatDate2, Line 31

    Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

    which is this line: SET @ydate = CAST((@ymonth + '/01/' + @yyear) AS Datetime)

    but, i would think this line would have bypassed that:

    If @yyear = '9999' BEGIN

     SET @ReFormatDate = @date1

     GOTO ExitFunction


    1.) Can anyone tell me why this error might be happening, or what mistake i made, or

    2.) Is there an alternate, better way to handle this?

    Thanks so much for any help with this problem.







  • I took your code, unmodified & created the function. This SELECT statement worked fine with no errors:

    Select dbo.ReFormatDate('9999 Manual', getdate())

    Are you certain you are executing the correct version of the function ? Is it created in the database you expect, and is it owned by 'dbo' ?



  • I agree with PW,

    Unless you made a typo you are not executing the same UDF that you posted

    CREATE function ReFormatDate (@date varchar(15), @CurrentDate datetime)

    Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ReFormatDate2, Line 31

  • You're right. I just had some bad test data in there. Duh...Thanks guys.

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