unable to access database using service account

  • I'm trying to connect to a database using a service account that we got created. The ID is an AD account and was added to the db as such. When I try to connect to the database using the account with the password I get [login failed for domain\id]. The DBA mentioned that its setup to use windows auth, however, I can't connect with this service account using windows Auth, due to I'm using to connect via code.

    How can I connect to the database from my code using this ID?

    I have the ID and pwd in my code to connect with, does the ID have to be setup differently in the Database?

  • Is your connection string something like this:

    Persist Security Info=False;User ID=DOMAIN\USER;Password=PASSWORD;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Server=MySqlServer

    That is not going to work. This is what you would use for SQL authentication.

    To use Windows authentication, this needs to be added to the connect string:

    Integrated Security=SSPI

    But you cannot specify the user and password. It uses the security of the login that started the application.

    Plus, using a service account to run an app is probably not a good idea. Create a SQL login, grant it the minimum level of rights, and use that to connect.

    Michael L John
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