Unable to communicate with Report Server

  • I installed the RS last week and all was working fine.  This morning I tried to execute a report and I got the message 'Unable to communicate with Report Server'  .  I've verified that the service is running.  Here is what the Report Server logs say:

    aspnet_wp!library!788!3/22/2004-11:12:44:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The Report Server has encountered a configuration error; more details in the log files, error reading SKU information: installation error;

     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The Report Server has encountered a configuration error; more details in the log files

    aspnet_wp!webserver!788!3/22/2004-11:12:56:: i INFO: Reporting Web Server started

    aspnet_wp!resourceutilities!788!3/22/2004-11:12:56:: i INFO: Running on 1 physical processors, 1 logical processors


    Please help!!


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  • Have you tried reconfiguring or reinstalling service to see if corrects? Unfortunately too new to have much in KB on it and I have not seen this before.

  • I've actually resolved this issue with some help from the Microsoft newsgroup. 

    Someone from Microsoft suggested I make sure that the ASP.NET account had proper permissions to view all the registry keys below: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server 

    I gave ASP.NET account more permissions on the server, uninstalled/reinstalled Reporting Services and everything seems to work fine.


  • Thank you for posting back your answer. Will maybe help someone in the future. Sorry I wasn't much help but now I know.

  • I apologize in advance -- I have seen this answer (or one like it) in several areas and I assume it makes sense. I simply don't know what it means. Where are the registry keys and how do I give ASP.NET access to them?

    Will un/re-installing Reporting Services "break" anything else?


  • Sidat Hyder - Shimail Ahmed Gillani


    Hello Guys AoA!

    The only thing i had to do is as follows:

    1) Open configuration file as C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL

    Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportManager\RSWebApplication.config in


    2) ReportingServices by default install as :






    3) Check about your directory structure , replace it if it is different from


    4) Save and browse for report manager it should work now.

    5) Best of luck

    Thanks, Regards and AH

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