Unable to load flat file because of uni code character while loading from ssis package

  • hi all,

    it might be simple question but i am having big trouble on loading some flat files. I have ssis package that will load file to sql server database. some load file has been failed i found there are uni code character like:


    i am just wondering about how i can handle this issue.. what is the best and eagiest things to do?

    can we replace or delete those uni code character without affecting;-) on the length of rows?

    i would really need any help??



  • Hi,

    Your question is not clear. If you want to insert data into sql server with unicode then you can take help of data conversion.



  • Thanks for the reply,

    My load from flat file to sql server table was failed, i thought because file contain special character as below.


    Before, there was no problem loading because when there is no such character . One thing i noticed when file has such character the encode type for that file was UTF8 otherewise it would be ANSI. if i savefile by forcing manually ANSI that character will changed to ? for example MAGA?Aa in this case atleast dataload fine without having any problem to other column. if this is the case how can i handle in automation or is there any best solution for this?



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