Unable To Locate Control oReportCell in Reporting Services

  • When ever I publish a report to report server and try to view it I get this error message. So then I go to Properties, Execution, Render this report from a report execution snapshot Create a report snapshot when you click the Apply button on this page Then i go back to the Report and try to view it and it starts to render the report then stops and gives the error message. I have also set up the report to email it to myself. When I receive it it says the document is too big and needs to be divided into several documents. Has anyone else experianced this using SQL 2005 SSRS

  • Yes we have this error also. Still trying to determine what causes it. It is not a consistently occurring error. That is, I can run the report and get the error, then immediately run the report again and the error does not occur. We have integrated SSRS with WSS version 7. There is little to no info on this error on the web.

  • I have goitten way past this problem with trial and error since no one out there could figure it out. What you have to do once the report is in report server is go to properties then execute then click render report with snapshot applied. Then you go back to the report and then you will see rsreportserversp2update.config you click on that and then you will see a listing of reports. Click on the report you wish to view and it will appear. Then go to export report and use web archive and save it local to your hard drive. From there you just upload it to your sharepoint or web server and there you go. That was only 2 days of work to figure it out. Hope that helps.

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