Unable to run report using URL access

  • I have a most unusual problem that i cannot work out.

    I have a pie chart on my report which when you click on one of the pieces calls itself and drills down into the data.

    This method works like a dream.   However, my users run their reports from a .net application which uses a javascript command windows.open(url) where the url holds the url of the server, report and any parameters.

    For all my reports this also works fine.  When i call my pie chart like this it will actuall work. untill i attempt to drill down into it.  Remember i have the pie chart open on the reporting server and then click on a piece of the pie just like i do when i go directly to my sql reporting server. But for some reason the fact that i came from .net won't let me drill down.  I get a report but both the chart and the associated data is missing from the report.

    Why does the report act differently because of the fact that the windows was opened from vb.net.  the weird part is if i cut and paste the url from my second drill down attempt into a new IE window that has not been created by the javascript code and .net it will take me down one level into the pie chart just like it should.


    i am at a loss to explain this






  • It could be a security issue (.net vs. javascript contexts), but I'm not quite clear as to how you are running javascript from a vb.net application. Are you displaying the report within your application using a browser control, iframe, asp.net or some other technique?

    Does the same thing happen with window.location("someplace.com")?

    You might try launching ie itself from vb.net using something like

    Dim ie As New ProcessStartInfo("IExplore.exe")

    ie.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized

    ie.Arguments = "http://reportserver/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/Samples/MyReport"


    I hope this is of some help to you.

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