unable to see the databases from enterprise manager

  • IN the enterprise manager I could see my database server but could not see the databases.Bur I can see the databases and database objects in quesry analyzer. What should be the problem and how can see the databases from my enterprise manager.



  • Please, all databases, or just system databases?

  • #1 problem....you don't have permissions to access the databases.

    Do you have a SQL Server login?

    Does it have permission to access the databases?


  • Using Query Analyzer, try to log into the master database.

    Then run SELECT * FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    The scenario you describe is quite common when the master database on the server gets corrupt, and needs to be restored.

    See the following link for the same issue that happened to others:


    Hope this helps.


    Omri Bahat

    SQL Farms Solutions


    Editor's Note: : Dr. Omri Bahat works for SQLFarms, a software vendor of SQL Server tools.

  • You don't say if this has suddenly happened or if it has been that way since you installed SQL, also the version you are running would be a help.

    We used to have an intermittent problem where people would suddenly not be able to see any databases in EM even tho there was no actual problem on the server. After a reboot of the workstation the chances were that everything would be fine again. We could never pin-point the exact problem but it appeared to be in EM itself and not the server. The problem stopped after SP3a was applied on both servers and workstations.



    The Aethyr Dragon

    Cape Town

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