Unable to see variables tab in BIDS 2005

  • I am unable to see variables tab in BIDS 2005.

    Here is the scenario, I am RDPing into a Virtual sever, with BIDS 2005, when I open BIDS I am unable to see the variables tab. However, there are other users who are RDPing into the same server and using BIDS and are able to see the variables tab.

    I have tried the following,

    right clicking Control/Data Flow tasks -> Variables;

    View->Other Windows->Variables;


    Restarting BIDS;

    Logging off from RDP and reconnecting back,

    Created new project just in case there's a problem with the current project etc. nothing seems to work, any suggestions appreciated.

  • How are you opening BIDS initially? I have seen different entry points into Visual Studio offer different menu configurations.

    If all else has failed, have you tried resetting your environment by launching VS from the command line with the resetsettings swtich?

    devenv /resetsettings

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks OPCThree, it worked. Something trivial, but important to learn from this.

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