Unable to use OBJECT_NAME() and context_info() together

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to save the currently running stored procedure to context_info() then pull this out in a Trigger so I can save the Procedure name to a log table. Problem though is no matter what I try it only returns the first character of the Trigger name.

    Here's what I have thus far for testing:

    Create PROCEDURE uspTest1 AS


    DECLARE @ProcedureName nvarchar(30) = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)

    declare @context_info varbinary(30)

    set @context_info = cast(@ProcedureName as varbinary(30))

    set context_info @context_info

    SELECT @ProcedureName as ProcedureName



    EXEC uspTest1

    select cast(context_info() as varchar(30))

    And here's the output:



    (No column name)


    The SELECT @ProcedureName code returns the full procedure name 'uspTest1' but the second Select from context_info() only returns 'u'. Any suggestions on how to get the full Procedure name saved in Context_Info?

    Thanks for any suggestions -- Take care,


  • ok, i compared my snippets to your code, and the only thing i have that is different is that my code always gets the value of the context_info from a system table, my example sonly assign values to context_info, but never tried to read them back.

    the select i added after your code seems to return what you are after:



    DECLARE @ProcedureName nvarchar(30) = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)

    declare @context_info varbinary(30)

    set @context_info = cast(@ProcedureName as varbinary(30))

    set context_info @context_info

    SELECT @ProcedureName as ProcedureName



    EXEC uspTest1

    select cast(context_info() as varchar(128))

    SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(64),context_info) FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    WHERE spid = @@spid


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