Unexpected return code: 1 ?

  • I'm having an odd problem.  Reports work fine with usernameA and usernameB in our alpha environment.  Move it to our beta environment, which should be the same.  Upon testing, usernameA works fine, however, usernameB fails to run the report with the following error:

    Cannot create a connection to data source 'datasource'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

    • Unexpected return code: 1

    Grants and permissions are correct for both usernames in both environments, the procedures are the same, the reports are the same.  Any ideas on what this error means?

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  • I had the same error once, on a server migration too, but I turned out to be exactly what it says: I did not configured the connection properly.

    This problem happens when you just "deploy" the dataset without configuring it for the new server/enviroment. Check your dataset configuration, (double-click the data set in the solution explorer of VS.Net), check the connection settings (re-type the pasword just in case) and then deploy the dataset again.

    Hope it helps

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