Unformatted flat file to table using SSIS

  • Hey


    I have flat file like this, no comma delimited and what soever, it has space that separate the data, and when i try to use the connection manager, it shows the half of the data as one column and remaining data as second column

    Flatfile.txt look like this

    aa bb cc dd ee ff gg

    hh ii jj kk ll mm nn

    How do i export this piece of data into table, where flat file

    connection manager shows 2 sets of column instead of 7

    that what i was expecting?



  • i found my answer on my own

    Under the Flat file connection manager, select the ragged right under format lookup and select option columns and it will give actually a scale screen where you can pin point where your column starts in your flat file to table . SSIS is great , people we just have paly around and study



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