Unicode and Sql

  • I am new to sql, I have problem with unicode data


    How to pass unicode data to stored procedure (Think below SP uni)

    How to insert unicode data to table using stored procedure below Uni

    I use sql server 2000 personal Edition

    Create Table:


    create Table TestTable(Col1 nvarchar(20))


    Stored Prucedure:


    @UnitName nvarchar(20)


    INSERT INTO TestTable(Col1) VALUES (@UnitName)

    After that I execute query analyser

    1. Uni 'Test' – This text going to the table, Its in English, No problem

    2. Uni '#3523;#3538;#3458;#3524;#3517;' – this string contains unicode Characters – Problem, when I open the table, this charaters shows like ?????

    Above displays numbers but, it is a string, I wrote unicode string, this page displays like this (Problem may be U don't have this Unicode Font, think it as a normal sting but contain Unidode Characters)

    Refer this stored procedure



    INSERT INTO TestTable(Col1) VALUES (N'#3514;#3540;#3505;#3538; Uni String')


    Above displays numbers but, it is a string, I wrote unicode string, this page displays like this

    I am inserting Unicode string with N prefix, It is ok

    My problem again

    How to pass unicode data to stored procedure (Think above SP uni)

    How to insert unicode data to table using stored procedure above Uni

    You can refer:



  • 2. Uni '#3523;#3538;#3458;#3524;#3517;'

    should be

    2. Uni N'#3523;#3538;#3458;#3524;#3517;'

    How are you executing the SP?

  • I need to develop below stored procedure


    Stored Prucedure:


    @UnitName nvarchar(20)



    I execute it using query analyzer

  • Are you executing as:

    EXEC Uni 'unicode here'

    or as

    EXEC Uni N'unicode here'?

    Also check the font setting in your query analyzer.


    Thanks Koji, You are getting me,


    use Query Analyzer


    its Windows type


    Uni 'unicode here'



    I need to pass unicode data as a parameter to the DECLARED variable @unitname in my stored procedure (SP), SP should write the give data to table.  Then I can call this SP using my programming language, I hope to use Command object in .NET, before this I want to test, then I use Query Analyzer and pass data to SP, but don't write, English strings ok, I can Directly type unicode data to colums, but cant using SP, with N prefix, I can write unicode data, But I need to pass parameter containing different values


  • I am using English SQL Server 2000 8.00 2039 (sp4) and following works fine.

    I mean usgin [varchar] and without [N] of N''.

    DECLARE @T TABLE (ID int, Test varchar(10))

    INSERT INTO @T VALUES (1, '???')




    1 ???


    Try the above code and let me know what happens.

    Server Collation is Japanese_CI_AS

    ??? part displays Unicode on my PC.

  • I'm not sure I understand the exact problem you are having.

    Are you trying to pass unicode strings that contain characters with Unicode value such as 3523, 3538, 3458, 3524 and 3517? I'm not familiar with the syntax you are using, if that is what you are trying to do, and cannot find any reference to it.

    Try this:

    DECLARE @parm nvarchar(20)

    SET @parm = NChar(3523) + NChar(3538) + NChar(3458) + NChar(3524) + NChar(3517)

    EXEC Uni @parm

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