UNION problem

  • Dear People ,

    can anybody helpme out in this case.

    i need to selectively combine two recordsets. if the first one does not return any rows it should not appear in the result set. if it returns then it should be combined with another recordset which is always returns rows.

    say like this ,

    if 1=1

    select 1 'hi'


    if 1=2

    select 2 'hi'

    as is said sometimes the second recordset will return values.


  • select * from one where where_cond


    select * from two where exists (select * from one where where_cond) [AND where_cond]

  • thanks mice for the reply.

    your solution is fine . but in my case

    i have some views in the from clause that may or may not be there. so i do not want to process the statement at all. Is that possible ??


  • Is there anything common between the two recordsets? Can you post the queries?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • You could insert your result sets into a temp table.

  • thanks david and jxflagg..

    This is a SCM database. The development model is COM. I am developing the purchase as well as subcontracting cycle.

    So my procedures have to deal with both the cycles.

    some components like receiveing goods are common to both the cycles. Now, in this particular case i have to select all documents from purchase components as well as subcontracting components. The components have their views exposed.

    now if a company wants only purchase i should not process the subcontract views.

    How to write a union ?

    my query..

    if @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'PO' -- purchase order


    select distinct

    rtrim(o.ouinstname) 'CREATED_ATMLT',


    h.docdate,120)) 'DATEML',

    rtrim(h.folder) 'FOLDERML',

    case h.referencedoc

    when 'SO' then rtrim(clo_cust_name)

    else rtrim(supplier_name)


    rtrim(h.docno) 'REFDOC_MLT',

    rtrim(a.paramdesc) 'REFERENCEDOCML',

    h.referreddoclineno 'REFERREDDOCLINENOML',

    rtrim(b.paramdesc) 'REFERREDDOCML',

    rtrim(h.referreddocno) 'REFERREDDOCNOML',

    rtrim(h.suppliercode) 'SUPPCUSTML'

    from gr_po_hdr_vw h(nolock),

    (select referencedoc , ouinstid , docno , max(amendno) as maxamendno

    from gr_po_hdr_vw (nolock)


    by referencedoc , ouinstid , docno ) m ,

    gr_po_line_vw d (nolock),

    depdb..fw_admin_view_ouinstance o (nolock),

    supp_supdtls_vw (nolock),

    cust_lo_info_vw (nolock),

    component_metadata_table a (nolock),

    component_metadata_table b(nolock)

    where h.referencedoc = m.referencedoc

    and h.ouinstid = m.ouinstid

    and h.docno = m.docno

    and h.amendno = m.maxamendno

    and h.referencedoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then '%'

    else @refdocenu1hdr_tmp


    and h.referreddoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    else '%'


    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and h.status = 'OPEN'

    and isnull(h.groption,'') = 'YES'

    and isnull(h.invbeforegr,'') = case h.referreddoc

    when 'PG' then 'YES'

    else 'NO'


    and h.doctype like @refdoctypehdr_tmp

    and h.doctype <> 'DROPSHIP'

    and case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then h.referreddocno

    else h.docno

    end between @refdocnumberfrom_tmp and @refdocnumberto_tmp

    and h.docdate between @refdocdate_from_tmp and @refdocdate_to_tmp

    and (isnull(h.folder,'%')) like @folder_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid

    and h.docno = d.docno

    and h.referencedoc = d.referencedoc

    and h.amendno = d.amendno

    and d.receiptou = @ctxt_ouinstance_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and d.balanceqty > 0

    and isnull(d.adhocitemcls,'') like @adhocitemclasshdr_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemcode,'') like @item_code_search_tmp

    and isnull(d.variant,'') like @variantno_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemdesc,'') like @itemdescriptionhdr_tmp

    and h.suppliercode like @suppcusthdr_tmp

    and o.ouinstid = h.ouinstid

    and loid = @lo_id

    and supplier_code =* h.suppliercode

    and supplier_name like @ename_tmp

    and clo_lo = @lo_id

    and clo_cust_code =* h.suppliercode

    and clo_cust_name like @ename_tmp

    and a.componentname = 'GR'

    and a.paramcategory = 'META'

    and a.paramtype = 'REF_DOC'

    and a.paramcode = h.referencedoc

    and a.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp

    and b.componentname = 'GR'

    and b.paramcategory = 'META'

    and b.paramtype = 'REFD_DOC'

    and b.paramcode =* h.referreddoc

    and b.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp


    by DATEML desc ,

    REFDOC_MLT desc

    if @@rowcount = 0


    -- There are no documents as per Serach Criteria

    select @m_errorid = 1400018




    if @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'RS' -- release slip


    select distinct

    rtrim(o.ouinstname) 'CREATED_ATMLT',


    h.docdate,120)) 'DATEML',

    rtrim(h.folder) 'FOLDERML',

    case h.referencedoc

    when 'SO' then rtrim(clo_cust_name)

    else rtrim(supplier_name)


    rtrim(h.docno) 'REFDOC_MLT',

    rtrim(a.paramdesc) 'REFERENCEDOCML',

    h.referreddoclineno 'REFERREDDOCLINENOML',

    rtrim(b.paramdesc) 'REFERREDDOCML',

    rtrim(h.referreddocno) 'REFERREDDOCNOML',

    rtrim(h.suppliercode) 'SUPPCUSTML'

    from gr_prs_hdr_vw h (nolock),

    (select referencedoc , ouinstid , docno , max(amendno) as maxamendno

    from gr_prs_hdr_vw(nolock)


    by referencedoc , ouinstid , docno ) m ,

    gr_prs_line_vw d (nolock),

    depdb..fw_admin_view_ouinstance o (nolock),

    supp_supdtls_vw (nolock),

    cust_lo_info_vw (nolock),

    component_metadata_table a (nolock),

    component_metadata_table b(nolock)

    where h.referencedoc = m.referencedoc

    and h.ouinstid = m.ouinstid

    and h.docno = m.docno

    and h.amendno = m.maxamendno

    and h.referencedoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then '%'

    else @refdocenu1hdr_tmp


    and h.referreddoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    else '%'


    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and h.status = 'OPEN'

    and isnull(h.groption,'') = 'YES'

    and isnull(h.invbeforegr,'') = case h.referreddoc

    when 'PG' then 'YES'

    else 'NO'


    and h.doctype like @refdoctypehdr_tmp

    and h.doctype <> 'DROPSHIP'

    and case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then h.referreddocno

    else h.docno

    end between @refdocnumberfrom_tmp and @refdocnumberto_tmp

    and h.docdate between @refdocdate_from_tmp and @refdocdate_to_tmp

    and (isnull(h.folder,'%')) like @folder_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid

    and h.docno = d.docno

    and h.referencedoc = d.referencedoc

    and h.amendno = d.amendno

    and d.receiptou = @ctxt_ouinstance_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and d.balanceqty > 0

    and isnull(d.adhocitemcls,'') like @adhocitemclasshdr_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemcode,'') like @item_code_search_tmp

    and isnull(d.variant,'') like @variantno_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemdesc,'') like @itemdescriptionhdr_tmp

    and h.suppliercode like @suppcusthdr_tmp

    and o.ouinstid = h.ouinstid

    and loid = @lo_id

    and supplier_code =* h.suppliercode

    and supplier_name like @ename_tmp

    and clo_lo = @lo_id

    and clo_cust_code =* h.suppliercode

    and clo_cust_name like @ename_tmp

    and a.componentname = 'GR'

    and a.paramcategory = 'META'

    and a.paramtype = 'REF_DOC'

    and a.paramcode = h.referencedoc

    and a.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp

    and b.componentname = 'GR'

    and b.paramcategory = 'META'

    and b.paramtype = 'REFD_DOC'

    and b.paramcode =* h.referreddoc

    and b.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp


    by DATEML desc ,

    REFDOC_MLT desc

    if @@rowcount = 0


    -- There are no documents as per Serach Criteria

    select @m_errorid = 1400018




    if @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'SO' -- sale order


    select distinct

    rtrim(o.ouinstname) 'CREATED_ATMLT',


    h.docdate,120)) 'DATEML',

    rtrim(h.folder) 'FOLDERML',

    case h.referencedoc

    when 'SO' then rtrim(clo_cust_name)

    else rtrim(supplier_name)


    rtrim(h.docno) 'REFDOC_MLT',

    rtrim(a.paramdesc) 'REFERENCEDOCML',

    h.referreddoclineno 'REFERREDDOCLINENOML',

    rtrim(b.paramdesc) 'REFERREDDOCML',

    rtrim(h.referreddocno) 'REFERREDDOCNOML',

    rtrim(h.suppliercode) 'SUPPCUSTML'

    from gr_so_hdr_vw h(nolock),

    (select referencedoc , ouinstid , docno , max(amendno) as maxamendno

    from gr_so_hdr_vw(nolock)


    by referencedoc , ouinstid , docno ) m ,

    gr_so_line_vw d (nolock),

    depdb..fw_admin_view_ouinstance o (nolock),

    supp_supdtls_vw (nolock),

    cust_lo_info_vw (nolock),

    component_metadata_table a (nolock),

    component_metadata_table b(nolock)

    where h.referencedoc = m.referencedoc

    and h.ouinstid = m.ouinstid

    and h.docno = m.docno

    and h.amendno = m.maxamendno

    and h.referencedoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then '%'

    else @refdocenu1hdr_tmp


    and h.referreddoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    else '%'


    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and h.status = 'OPEN'

    and isnull(h.groption,'') = 'YES'

    and isnull(h.invbeforegr,'') = case h.referreddoc

    when 'PG' then 'YES'

    else 'NO'


    and h.doctype like @refdoctypehdr_tmp

    and h.doctype <> 'DROPSHIP'

    and case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then h.referreddocno

    else h.docno

    end between @refdocnumberfrom_tmp and @refdocnumberto_tmp

    and h.docdate between @refdocdate_from_tmp and @refdocdate_to_tmp

    and (isnull(h.folder,'%')) like @folder_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid

    and h.docno = d.docno

    and h.referencedoc = d.referencedoc

    and h.amendno = d.amendno

    and d.receiptou = @ctxt_ouinstance_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and d.balanceqty > 0

    and isnull(d.adhocitemcls,'') like @adhocitemclasshdr_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemcode,'') like @item_code_search_tmp

    and isnull(d.variant,'') like @variantno_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemdesc,'') like @itemdescriptionhdr_tmp

    and h.suppliercode like @suppcusthdr_tmp

    and o.ouinstid = h.ouinstid

    and loid = @lo_id

    and supplier_code =* h.suppliercode

    and supplier_name like @ename_tmp

    and clo_lo = @lo_id

    and clo_cust_code =* h.suppliercode

    and clo_cust_name like @ename_tmp

    and a.componentname = 'GR'

    and a.paramcategory = 'META'

    and a.paramtype = 'REF_DOC'

    and a.paramcode = h.referencedoc

    and a.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp

    and b.componentname = 'GR'

    and b.paramcategory = 'META'

    and b.paramtype = 'REFD_DOC'

    and b.paramcode =* h.referreddoc

    and b.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp


    by DATEML desc ,

    REFDOC_MLT desc

    if @@rowcount = 0


    -- There are no documents as per Serach Criteria

    select @m_errorid = 1400018




    if @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'SC' -- Subcontract order


    select distinct

    rtrim(o.ouinstname) 'CREATED_ATMLT',


    h.docdate,120)) 'DATEML',

    rtrim(h.folder) 'FOLDERML',

    case h.referencedoc

    when 'SO' then rtrim(clo_cust_name)

    else rtrim(supplier_name)


    rtrim(h.docno) 'REFDOC_MLT',

    rtrim(a.paramdesc) 'REFERENCEDOCML',

    h.referreddoclineno 'REFERREDDOCLINENOML',

    rtrim(b.paramdesc) 'REFERREDDOCML',

    rtrim(h.referreddocno) 'REFERREDDOCNOML',

    rtrim(h.suppliercode) 'SUPPCUSTML'

    from gr_sco_hdr_vw h(nolock),

    (select referencedoc , ouinstid , docno , max(amendno) as maxamendno

    from gr_sco_hdr_vw(nolock)


    by referencedoc , ouinstid , docno ) m ,

    gr_sco_line_vw d (nolock),

    depdb..fw_admin_view_ouinstance o (nolock),

    supp_supdtls_vw (nolock),

    cust_lo_info_vw (nolock),

    component_metadata_table a (nolock),

    component_metadata_table b(nolock)

    where h.referencedoc = m.referencedoc

    and h.ouinstid = m.ouinstid

    and h.docno = m.docno

    and h.amendno = m.maxamendno

    and h.referencedoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then '%'

    else @refdocenu1hdr_tmp


    and h.referreddoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    else '%'


    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and h.status = 'OPEN'

    and isnull(h.groption,'') = 'YES'

    and isnull(h.invbeforegr,'') = case h.referreddoc

    when 'PG' then 'YES'

    else 'NO'


    and h.doctype like @refdoctypehdr_tmp

    and h.doctype <> 'DROPSHIP'

    and case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then h.referreddocno

    else h.docno

    end between @refdocnumberfrom_tmp and @refdocnumberto_tmp

    and h.docdate between @refdocdate_from_tmp and @refdocdate_to_tmp

    and (isnull(h.folder,'%')) like @folder_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid

    and h.docno = d.docno

    and h.referencedoc = d.referencedoc

    and h.amendno = d.amendno

    and d.receiptou = @ctxt_ouinstance_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and d.balanceqty > 0

    and isnull(d.adhocitemcls,'') like @adhocitemclasshdr_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemcode,'') like @item_code_search_tmp

    and isnull(d.variant,'') like @variantno_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemdesc,'') like @itemdescriptionhdr_tmp

    and h.suppliercode like @suppcusthdr_tmp

    and o.ouinstid = h.ouinstid

    and loid = @lo_id

    and supplier_code =* h.suppliercode

    and supplier_name like @ename_tmp

    and clo_lo = @lo_id

    and clo_cust_code =* h.suppliercode

    and clo_cust_name like @ename_tmp

    and a.componentname = 'GR'

    and a.paramcategory = 'META'

    and a.paramtype = 'REF_DOC'

    and a.paramcode = h.referencedoc

    and a.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp

    and b.componentname = 'GR'

    and b.paramcategory = 'META'

    and b.paramtype = 'REFD_DOC'

    and b.paramcode =* h.referreddoc

    and b.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp


    by DATEML desc ,

    REFDOC_MLT desc

    if @@rowcount = 0


    -- There are no documents as per Serach Criteria

    select @m_errorid = 1400018




    if @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'SR'

    subcontract release slip


    select distinct

    rtrim(o.ouinstname) 'CREATED_ATMLT',


    h.docdate,120)) 'DATEML',

    rtrim(h.folder) 'FOLDERML',

    case h.referencedoc

    when 'SO' then rtrim(clo_cust_name)

    else rtrim(supplier_name)


    rtrim(h.docno) 'REFDOC_MLT',

    rtrim(a.paramdesc) 'REFERENCEDOCML',

    h.referreddoclineno 'REFERREDDOCLINENOML',

    rtrim(b.paramdesc) 'REFERREDDOCML',

    rtrim(h.referreddocno) 'REFERREDDOCNOML',

    rtrim(h.suppliercode) 'SUPPCUSTML'

    from gr_scrs_hdr_vw h(nolock),

    (select referencedoc , ouinstid , docno , max(amendno) as maxamendno

    from gr_scrs_hdr_vw(nolock)


    by referencedoc , ouinstid , docno ) m ,

    gr_scrs_line_vw d (nolock),

    depdb..fw_admin_view_ouinstance o (nolock),

    supp_supdtls_vw (nolock),

    cust_lo_info_vw (nolock),

    component_metadata_table a (nolock),

    component_metadata_table b(nolock)

    where h.referencedoc = m.referencedoc

    and h.ouinstid = m.ouinstid

    and h.docno = m.docno

    and h.amendno = m.maxamendno

    and h.referencedoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then '%'

    else @refdocenu1hdr_tmp


    and h.referreddoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    else '%'


    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and h.status = 'OPEN'

    and isnull(h.groption,'') = 'YES'

    and isnull(h.invbeforegr,'') = case h.referreddoc

    when 'PG' then 'YES'

    else 'NO'


    and h.doctype like @refdoctypehdr_tmp

    and h.doctype <> 'DROPSHIP'

    and case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then h.referreddocno

    else h.docno

    end between @refdocnumberfrom_tmp and @refdocnumberto_tmp

    and h.docdate between @refdocdate_from_tmp and @refdocdate_to_tmp

    and (isnull(h.folder,'%')) like @folder_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid

    and h.docno = d.docno

    and h.referencedoc = d.referencedoc

    and h.amendno = d.amendno

    and d.receiptou = @ctxt_ouinstance_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and d.balanceqty > 0

    and isnull(d.adhocitemcls,'') like @adhocitemclasshdr_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemcode,'') like @item_code_search_tmp

    and isnull(d.variant,'') like @variantno_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemdesc,'') like @itemdescriptionhdr_tmp

    and h.suppliercode like @suppcusthdr_tmp

    and o.ouinstid = h.ouinstid

    and loid = @lo_id

    and supplier_code =* h.suppliercode

    and supplier_name like @ename_tmp

    and clo_lo = @lo_id

    and clo_cust_code =* h.suppliercode

    and clo_cust_name like @ename_tmp

    and a.componentname = 'GR'

    and a.paramcategory = 'META'

    and a.paramtype = 'REF_DOC'

    and a.paramcode = h.referencedoc

    and a.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp

    and b.componentname = 'GR'

    and b.paramcategory = 'META'

    and b.paramtype = 'REFD_DOC'

    and b.paramcode =* h.referreddoc

    and b.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp


    by DATEML desc ,

    REFDOC_MLT desc

    if @@rowcount = 0


    -- There are no documents as per Serach Criteria

    select @m_errorid = 1400018




    Are temp tables faster than just plain select ??


  • thanks david and jxflagg..

    This is a SCM database. The development model is COM. I am developing the purchase as well as subcontracting cycle.

    So my procedures have to deal with both the cycles.

    some components like receiveing goods are common to both the cycles. Now, in this particular case i have to select all documents from purchase components as well as subcontracting components. The components have their views exposed.

    now if a company wants only purchase i should not process the subcontract views.

    How to write a union ?

    my query..

    if @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'PO' -- purchase order


    select distinct

    rtrim(o.ouinstname) 'CREATED_ATMLT',


    h.docdate,120)) 'DATEML',

    rtrim(h.folder) 'FOLDERML',

    case h.referencedoc

    when 'SO' then rtrim(clo_cust_name)

    else rtrim(supplier_name)


    rtrim(h.docno) 'REFDOC_MLT',

    rtrim(a.paramdesc) 'REFERENCEDOCML',

    h.referreddoclineno 'REFERREDDOCLINENOML',

    rtrim(b.paramdesc) 'REFERREDDOCML',

    rtrim(h.referreddocno) 'REFERREDDOCNOML',

    rtrim(h.suppliercode) 'SUPPCUSTML'

    from gr_po_hdr_vw h(nolock),

    (select referencedoc , ouinstid , docno , max(amendno) as maxamendno

    from gr_po_hdr_vw (nolock)


    by referencedoc , ouinstid , docno ) m ,

    gr_po_line_vw d (nolock),

    depdb..fw_admin_view_ouinstance o (nolock),

    supp_supdtls_vw (nolock),

    cust_lo_info_vw (nolock),

    component_metadata_table a (nolock),

    component_metadata_table b(nolock)

    where h.referencedoc = m.referencedoc

    and h.ouinstid = m.ouinstid

    and h.docno = m.docno

    and h.amendno = m.maxamendno

    and h.referencedoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then '%'

    else @refdocenu1hdr_tmp


    and h.referreddoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    else '%'


    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and h.status = 'OPEN'

    and isnull(h.groption,'') = 'YES'

    and isnull(h.invbeforegr,'') = case h.referreddoc

    when 'PG' then 'YES'

    else 'NO'


    and h.doctype like @refdoctypehdr_tmp

    and h.doctype <> 'DROPSHIP'

    and case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then h.referreddocno

    else h.docno

    end between @refdocnumberfrom_tmp and @refdocnumberto_tmp

    and h.docdate between @refdocdate_from_tmp and @refdocdate_to_tmp

    and (isnull(h.folder,'%')) like @folder_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid

    and h.docno = d.docno

    and h.referencedoc = d.referencedoc

    and h.amendno = d.amendno

    and d.receiptou = @ctxt_ouinstance_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and d.balanceqty > 0

    and isnull(d.adhocitemcls,'') like @adhocitemclasshdr_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemcode,'') like @item_code_search_tmp

    and isnull(d.variant,'') like @variantno_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemdesc,'') like @itemdescriptionhdr_tmp

    and h.suppliercode like @suppcusthdr_tmp

    and o.ouinstid = h.ouinstid

    and loid = @lo_id

    and supplier_code =* h.suppliercode

    and supplier_name like @ename_tmp

    and clo_lo = @lo_id

    and clo_cust_code =* h.suppliercode

    and clo_cust_name like @ename_tmp

    and a.componentname = 'GR'

    and a.paramcategory = 'META'

    and a.paramtype = 'REF_DOC'

    and a.paramcode = h.referencedoc

    and a.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp

    and b.componentname = 'GR'

    and b.paramcategory = 'META'

    and b.paramtype = 'REFD_DOC'

    and b.paramcode =* h.referreddoc

    and b.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp


    by DATEML desc ,

    REFDOC_MLT desc

    if @@rowcount = 0


    -- There are no documents as per Serach Criteria

    select @m_errorid = 1400018




    if @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'SC' -- Subcontract order


    select distinct

    rtrim(o.ouinstname) 'CREATED_ATMLT',


    h.docdate,120)) 'DATEML',

    rtrim(h.folder) 'FOLDERML',

    case h.referencedoc

    when 'SO' then rtrim(clo_cust_name)

    else rtrim(supplier_name)


    rtrim(h.docno) 'REFDOC_MLT',

    rtrim(a.paramdesc) 'REFERENCEDOCML',

    h.referreddoclineno 'REFERREDDOCLINENOML',

    rtrim(b.paramdesc) 'REFERREDDOCML',

    rtrim(h.referreddocno) 'REFERREDDOCNOML',

    rtrim(h.suppliercode) 'SUPPCUSTML'

    from gr_sco_hdr_vw h(nolock),

    (select referencedoc , ouinstid , docno , max(amendno) as maxamendno

    from gr_sco_hdr_vw(nolock)


    by referencedoc , ouinstid , docno ) m ,

    gr_sco_line_vw d (nolock),

    depdb..fw_admin_view_ouinstance o (nolock),

    supp_supdtls_vw (nolock),

    cust_lo_info_vw (nolock),

    component_metadata_table a (nolock),

    component_metadata_table b(nolock)

    where h.referencedoc = m.referencedoc

    and h.ouinstid = m.ouinstid

    and h.docno = m.docno

    and h.amendno = m.maxamendno

    and h.referencedoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then '%'

    else @refdocenu1hdr_tmp


    and h.referreddoc like case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    else '%'


    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and h.status = 'OPEN'

    and isnull(h.groption,'') = 'YES'

    and isnull(h.invbeforegr,'') = case h.referreddoc

    when 'PG' then 'YES'

    else 'NO'


    and h.doctype like @refdoctypehdr_tmp

    and h.doctype <> 'DROPSHIP'

    and case @refdocenu1hdr_tmp

    when 'PG' then h.referreddocno

    else h.docno

    end between @refdocnumberfrom_tmp and @refdocnumberto_tmp

    and h.docdate between @refdocdate_from_tmp and @refdocdate_to_tmp

    and (isnull(h.folder,'%')) like @folder_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid

    and h.docno = d.docno

    and h.referencedoc = d.referencedoc

    and h.amendno = d.amendno

    and d.receiptou = @ctxt_ouinstance_tmp

    and h.ouinstid = @filterouid_tmp

    and d.linestatus in ( 'OPEN' , 'NT CLOSED' )

    and d.balanceqty > 0

    and isnull(d.adhocitemcls,'') like @adhocitemclasshdr_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemcode,'') like @item_code_search_tmp

    and isnull(d.variant,'') like @variantno_tmp

    and isnull(d.itemdesc,'') like @itemdescriptionhdr_tmp

    and h.suppliercode like @suppcusthdr_tmp

    and o.ouinstid = h.ouinstid

    and loid = @lo_id

    and supplier_code =* h.suppliercode

    and supplier_name like @ename_tmp

    and clo_lo = @lo_id

    and clo_cust_code =* h.suppliercode

    and clo_cust_name like @ename_tmp

    and a.componentname = 'GR'

    and a.paramcategory = 'META'

    and a.paramtype = 'REF_DOC'

    and a.paramcode = h.referencedoc

    and a.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp

    and b.componentname = 'GR'

    and b.paramcategory = 'META'

    and b.paramtype = 'REFD_DOC'

    and b.paramcode =* h.referreddoc

    and b.langid = @ctxt_language_tmp


    by DATEML desc ,

    REFDOC_MLT desc

    if @@rowcount = 0


    -- There are no documents as per Serach Criteria

    select @m_errorid = 1400018




    Are temp tables faster than just plain select ??


  • quote:

    Three much

    some very Serious change in DB design required I Think

  • Hi Gurumoorthy

    Are you anyway connected or working with Ramco India ??. I am working with Ramco USA. By looking at the query, it looks like Ramco solution (product), backend code. I am just checking. Please email me at dsubramani@rsc.ramco.com, if required. Thanks


  • Wow what a query, still trying to get my head round it. Suggest in this case to put results in temp tables and then check / union from there.


    Are temp tables faster than just plain select

    Depends on what is required, volume, indexes and the like. Comparing a select with a select into temp table/select from temp table would result in poorer performance for temp table due to creation and insertion. I usually only use temp tables where no other solution presents itself or there is an improvement in performance after comparison.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks people i will try to use temp tables and get back with the results.



  • This example does NOT deal with all of your criteria, but just provided to show a point. If a "Constant" evaluation in a WHERE clause evaluates to FALSE, SQL Server will essentially drop that portion from the query plan, and only provide the columns in the result (this is very fast). Therefore, if you can arrange to UNION ALL the various "main source" tables, maybe as one "derived table", and use WHERE condition to have really only one of the SELECT in the UNION actually having a performance effect.

    Sample below for ilustration only. Change the value of @refdocenu1hdr_tmp, and do a "display estimated execution plan". You should see the percentage of the execution shift from UNION to UNION as the value of @refdocenu1hdr_tmp changes.

    Select * from gr_po_hdr_vw h(nolock)
    Join gr_po_line_vw d (nolock)
    On and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid and h.docno = d.docno
    Where @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'PO' -- purchase order
    Select * from gr_prs_hdr_vw h(nolock)
    Join gr_prs_line_vw d (nolock)
    On and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid and h.docno = d.docno
    Where @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'RS' -- release slip
    Select * from gr_prs_hdr_vw h(nolock)
    Join gr_prs_line_vw d (nolock)
    On and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid and h.docno = d.docno
    Where @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'SO' -- sale order
    Select * from gr_sco_hdr_vw h(nolock)
    Join gr_sco_line_vw d (nolock)
    On and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid and h.docno = d.docno
    Where @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'SC' -- Subcontract order
    Select * from gr_scrs_hdr_vw h(nolock)
    Join gr_scrs_line_vw d (nolock)
    On and h.ouinstid = d.ouinstid and h.docno = d.docno
    Where @refdocenu1hdr_tmp = 'SR' -- subcontract release slip

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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