Update a self-joined table

  • I have a table in the following format. All the records will be in the same format with these four rows repeating with different val1 values (like 100, 98...)

    ID Color Val Val1


    1 K 1.5 100

    2 C 1.6 100

    3 M 1.7 100

    4 Y 1.8 100

    I have done a self join to get the data in the following format

    ID Color Val ID Color Val ID Color Val ID Color Val


    1 K 1.5 2 C 1.6 3 M 1.7 4 Y 1.8

    The query used is,

    select a.id, a.color, a.val, b.id, b.color, b.val, c.id, c.color, c.val, d.id, d.color, d.val from test a inner join test b on a.val1 = b.val1 inner join test c on b.val1 = c.val1 inner join test d on d.val1 = c.val1 where a.color = 'K' and b.color = 'C' and c.color = 'M' and d.color = 'Y'

    Is it possible to write a single update statement to perform update on self - joined table?

    Basically the val column will be updated for the various colors.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  • If you want to write a single update statement for the original table that you will later query witht he stetement you mention, you can use somehting like:

    UPDATE test

    SET val = CASE WHEN color = 'K' THEN 2.1

    WHEN color = 'C' THEN 2.2

    WHEN color = 'M' THEN 2.3

    WHEN color = 'Y' THEN 2.4


    WHERE val1 = 100

    Not sure why you would like to have a single update statememt though. You could use transactions with four update statements, or you could jsut write a stored procedure to do this.,



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Thanks for the reply. Basically this is the format I will be displaying in the front end. I will be binding this data directly to the datagridview using a dataadapter. Now to update the changes made in the grid, I need to provide a single update statement. The code you have given above updates the val field. If there is another field like val which has to updated then what will the statement look like.


  • I don't know if this is what you were looking for but to add another column to the update statement, you will do something like :

    UPDATE test

    SET val = CASE WHEN color = 'K' THEN 2.1

    WHEN color = 'C' THEN 2.2

    WHEN color = 'M' THEN 2.3

    WHEN color = 'Y' THEN 2.4


    val2 = 'test'

    WHERE val1 = 100

  • If in this case I want to write an INSERT statement then how do I do that?

  • Its easier to select the data that needs to be inserted first, so in your example it can be something like:

    insert into test(val,val2)

    ( select

    CASE WHEN color = 'K' THEN 2.1

    WHEN color = 'C' THEN 2.2

    WHEN color = 'M' THEN 2.3

    WHEN color = 'Y' THEN 2.4

    END val,


    from test

    WHERE val1 = 100 )

  • Hope my article will get you to achieve the same,


    Thanks and Regards,
    Venkatesan Prabu, 😛
    My Blog:


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