Update Based on Nth Occurrence

  • I need to update a table I am going to export, of store records where the table has 4 fields which contain the most recent roberies dates in order (most recent in rdate1). The robbery data is in a detail table that has one record per store per robbery. So my export table has one record per store with fields storeno, rdate1, rdate2, rdate3, rdate4 and my detail table has storeno and robbery date. I want to accomplish this with 4 updates, one per date in my export table, without needing to fetch records in a loop.

  • Sounds simple but based on what you have given, not exactly sure what the query would look like. Please read the first article I reference below in my signature block. Please follow the instructions in the article in posting the table structures, sample data. Also, be sure to post the expected results should be based on the provided sample data.

    Do that, and you will get much better responses to your questions, plus you'll get tested code in return.

  • Something like this ???

    with cteRobberies


    Select StoreId,RobberyDate ,Row_number() over (partition by StoreID order by RobberyDate desc) as Rown

    from YourTable


    Select StoreId,min(case when Rown = 1 then RobberyDate else null end),

    min(case when Rown = 2 then RobberyDate else null end),

    min(case when Rown = 3 then RobberyDate else null end),

    min(case when Rown = 4 then RobberyDate else null end)

    from cteRobberies

    group by storeId

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Good job thanks Dave

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