Update on a large table.

  • I have large fact table (30 million rows) which I need to run the following update statement. However my SQL Server doesn't seem to have the puff to be able complete it.

    Update Fact_Transaction

     Set Fact_Transaction.TRANSACTION_STATUS_SKEY = Dim_Transaction_Status.TRANSACTION_STATUS_SKEY



      Inner Join Dim_Transaction_Status On

       Fact_Transaction.Entry_Status = Dim_Transaction_Status.Transaction_Status_Code

    I am testing the query on my dev environment and I have found that 24 hours after setting it off it is still running with the disk running at 100% useage.

    I experimented with using SET ROWCOUNT to limit the rows affected to 1 million records and the update takes about 2 minutes. Increasing the rowcount to 5 million takes about 20 mins and yet if I don't set the rowcount I have yet to see the query complete.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try?

  • Hi,

    Did u set SET NOCOUNT ON. Does this have any effect

    Are you a born again. He is Jehova Jirah unto me

  • I haven't used the SET NOCOUNT option. Does this have an effect on performance?

    Thanks, Daniel

  • What is the initial value of the column being updated ? Are they all initially NULL ?

    If so, add a:


    And run with a RowCount of 5 million, in 6 batches until there's nothing left to update.

    Also, if possible, place the DB in simple logging mode while doing this to reduce log writes.


    [Edit] I don't think SET NOCOUNT has any impact on performance.

  • Hi,

    You can try that. It gives a definte boost.  However I prefer to use a batchjob. As always, try to minimize the amount of inserts, deletes and updates in one transaction. If there are any indexes try to disable them and then enable them.


    update records in short transactions of a 100000 records a time

    DECLARE @rc int

    WHILE 1 = 1



    update statement



    IF @rc <> 100000 BREAK



    My two cents


    Are you a born again. He is Jehova Jirah unto me

  • Unfortunately the field isn't NULL but populated with the wrong values. However I can probably hijack the status flag on the record for the purpose of the update, and create solution using ROWCOUNT, WHERE clause and a WHILE loop so I don't have to be around to press F5.


    Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated.



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