Update only the Top x Rows, but by a specified order

  • We are looking for a way to update (ex) the 5 first rows of a table depending some selections and a order by clause.

    ex (of a non working query)

    set rowcount = @arowcount

    update t1 set c1 = @something

    from t1

    where c2 = @sm2

    order by c3


    anybody has an idea on how to to this

    we'v tried with a subquery, select top 1000 from ... order by, byt the problem is that the order of the subquery is sorted, but you have no guarantie that the update will pick the first records of the subquery. And a top x as a variable is also inpossible.

    We would prefer not to do it with dynamic sql as this would be to slow.

  • Isn't there a primary key in your table?

    Can't you do something like:

    UPDATE mytable t1

     SET name = newname

     FROM (SELECT TOP 5 t2.pk

      FROM mytable t2

       ORDER BY name)

     WHERE t1.pk = t2.pk

    or use a cursor?


    FOR SELECT TOP 5 pk FROM mytable ORDER BY name

    FOR UPDATE of name

    DECLARE @count smallint

    SELECT @count = 1

    OPEN curTest

    FETCH NEXT FROM curTest INTO @pk

    WHILE (@count < 6 AND @@fetch_status <> -1)


     IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)


      UPDATE mytable

      SET name = something

      WHERE pk = @pk


     FETCH NEXT FROM curTest INTO @pk

     SELECT @count = @count + 1


    CLOSE curTest

    DEALLOCATE curTest




  • Can you explain a bit about your purpose and intentions here?

    If you update 5 rows in one update statement, there is no logical ordering - all 5 rows are logically updated at the same time. Why is ordering an issue for you?


  • The ordering would only be used to select the right records to be updated.

    we want to update the next x records, but the selection of these records can be influenced by the where. A simple between currect record and current + 5 can't be used.

    The updates of the records to be updated can be some at the same time, that's not the issue.

  • Jan, we knwo that with a cursor, or even with dyn amic sql it is possible, but knowing the lost of speed when using cursors we would like to find a solution with normal sql

  • As you have discovered, the TOP is not very usefull when what is needed is the RANK.  If you are using SQL Server 2005, there is a RANK function but otherwise, see articles by Joe Celko on how to determine the RANK using SQL.

    Here is solution that uses an arbitrary algorithm to break rank ties.  Note that the RANK will start with zero, so a rank of less than the limit is needed.

    use tempdb


    if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name = N'PrizeEntry' and uid = user_id(N'dbo') ) drop table PrizeEntry


    Create table PrizeEntry

    (PrizeEntryPk uniqueidentifier not null  default newId()

    ,PrizeEntryTs datetime   not null

    ,WinnerInd Char(1)  not null default 'N'

    , constraint PrizeEntry_PK primary key (PrizeEntryPk)

    , constraint PrizeEntry_C_WinnerInd check (WinnerInd in ('Y','N'))



    create unique index PrizeEntry_X_PrizeEntryTs on PrizeEntry (PrizeEntryTs, PrizeEntryPk)


    truncate table PrizeEntry


    set nocount on


    declare @EntryCnt integer

    set @EntryCnt = 0

    while @EntryCnt < 100


          set @EntryCnt = @EntryCnt + 1 

          insert into PrizeEntry


          select dateadd(hh , @EntryCnt, '2005-01-01')

          from sysobjects



    begin transaction

    declare @LimitCnt integer

    set @LimitCnt = 50

    update PrizeEntry

    set WinnerInd = 'Y'

    where @LimitCnt

           > (select count(*) from PrizeEntry as PrizeEntryRank

              where PrizeEntryRank.PrizeEntryTs < PrizeEntry.PrizeEntryTs

              or     (    PrizeEntryRank.PrizeEntryTs = PrizeEntry.PrizeEntryTs

                      AND PrizeEntryRank.PrizeEntryPk < PrizeEntry.PrizeEntryPk))

    select count(*) from PrizeEntry where WinnerInd = 'y'







    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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