Update Order and MAXDOP

  • I try to use Update Statement in situations that I need field values from previous record.

    This approach have much more speed than cursor or subqueries.

    For instance (not a real application), I'm going to record a continuous count for each date.

    This code works OK, but with medium tables with joins, even using

    clustered index in updated table and MAXDOP 1 option, doesn't works anymore!!!!

    Why? Somebody can help me?

    I'm using SQL Server 2000, with all service packs.

    Declare @dt SmallDateTime

    Declare @Ord Int

    Drop Table #TVen

    Create Table #TVen (Dt SmallDateTime, Venda Numeric(10,2), Ord Int)

    Create Clustered Index #TVen On #TVen(Dt, Venda)

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071001', 200,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071001', 100,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071001', 300,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071002', 400,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071002', 200,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071002', 300,0

    Set @Ord = 0

    Update T

    Set @Ord = (Case When @dt<>Dt Then 0 Else @Ord End) +1,

    @dt = Dt,

    Ord = @Ord

    From #TVen As T

    Select * From #TVen

  • you're missing a line:

    Update T

    Set @Ord = (Case When @dt<>Dt Then 0 Else @Ord End) +1,

    @dt = Dt,

    Ord = @Ord

    From #TVen As T

    WITH (INDEX(#TVen),tablock) -- The index here is the key - only way to sneak an order in.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • You may also need to throw in a "free" variable - to help it along. (declare @dumm with same type as @ord.). I ran into the same issue the other day - and for some reason - @dummy did the trick (pun fully intended). It seems to "force" is to recalc each row.

    Update T

    Set @dummy=@Ord = (Case When @dt<>Dt Then 0 Else @Ord End) +1,

    @dt = Dt,

    Ord = @Ord

    From #TVen As T

    WITH (INDEX(#TVen),tablock)

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thanks for your answer.

    I already try that way, but it doesn't works!

    You can notice that, in my example, there is only one index, the clustered one!

    Remember that in my small example, everything works! The trouble is when I use bigger tables. In my real case, I get a SQL code where if I take out a single Inner Join, the result turns OK ???!!!

    SQL Server uses threads, except if I turn off in the server side, but then why exists a MAXDOP option (max degree of parallelism) in the Update Statement?

  • Hi Matt,

    Thanks again.

    In my version (SQLServer 2000 - SP 4), it doesn't works double assignment.

    But, in any way, my example works OK.

    Unfortunaly my real code doesn't works just for a single "Inner Join"

    But now I've got a closed example that doesn't works!!!!

    Declare @dt SmallDateTime

    Declare @Ord Int

    Declare @Conta Int

    Declare @ndias Int

    Declare @Venda Int

    Drop Table #TVen

    Create Table #TVen (Dt SmallDateTime, Venda Numeric(10,2), Ord Int)

    Create Clustered Index #TVen On #TVen(Dt, Venda)

    Set @Conta = 0

    While @Conta<1000


    Set @ndias = Floor( rand()*100 )

    Set @Venda= Floor(rand()*200)

    Insert Into #TVen Select Cast('20071001' as SmallDateTime) + @ndias, @Venda, 0

    Set @Conta = @Conta + 1


    Set @Ord = 0

    Update T

    Set @Ord = (Case When @dt<>Dt Then 0 Else @Ord End) +1,

    @dt = Dt,

    Ord = @Ord

    From #TVen As T

    Option (MAXDOP 1)

    Select * From #TVen

    Order By Ord

  • Works fine for what you have... no primary key.

    To help, I need to know what you expect the output of your first post to be...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Thanks, Jeff

    I would expect that #TVEN would shows ORD numbering

    was in the same index order (Dt + Venda).

    I don't uses option UNIQUE in CREATE INDEX because it's no impossible that "Venda" Field had 2 equal values ("Venda' is "Sales" in Portuguese)

  • Thanks, but doesn't quite tell me what you want... not trying to be difficult here, either but "one picture is worth a thousand words"....;)

    You listed this as an "input"...

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071001', 200,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071001', 100,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071001', 300,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071002', 400,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071002', 200,0

    Insert Into #TVen Select '20071002', 300,0

    Please place those in the expected output order and replace the ?? with the correct numbers...

    Dt Venda Ord

    '20071001' 200 ??

    '20071001' 100 ??

    '20071001' 300 ??

    '20071002' 400 ??

    '20071002' 200 ??

    '20071002' 300 ??

    Thanks for the clarification... it'll be worth it, I promise...:D

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
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    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Hi, Jeff 😎

    In my first post yesterday (Oct,9 22:20 pm), the example output that I want is the output that I get (Ord field respecting data + venda index order). No problem.

    The trouble starts when the same table is bigger!

    In my other post yesteday (Oct, 9 - 11:26 PM), using RAND, I get a bigger table (1,000 records) with the same structure and intending produces a wrong output.

    I've commited a mistake :crying:, That example runs with no problem too. So I alter the code, to make RAND returns always the same sequence and forces to produce a logical error, inserting a inner join in the code.

    Set NoCount ON

    Declare @dt SmallDateTime

    Declare @Count Int

    Declare @NDays Int

    Declare @Sales Int

    Declare @Inic Float

    Select @Inic=rand(1000)

    Drop Table #Sales

    Create Table #Sales (Dt SmallDateTime, Sales Numeric(10,2), Ord Int)

    Create Clustered Index #Sales On #Sales(Dt, Sales)

    Set @Count = 0

    While @Count< 1000


    Set @NDays = Floor( rand()*100 )

    Set @Sales= Floor(rand()*200)

    Insert Into #Sales Select

    Cast('20071001' as SmallDateTime) + @NDays, @Sales, 0

    Set @Count = @Count + 1


    Drop Table #Summary

    Select Dt,

    Sum(Sales) As Sales

    Into #Summary

    From #Sales

    Group By Dt

    Create Clustered Index #SumVen On #Summary(Dt)

    Declare @Ord Int

    Set @Ord = 0

    Update T


    @Ord = @Ord+1,

    Ord = @Ord

    From #Sales As T

    Inner Join #Summary As S

    On S.Dt=T.Dt

    Option (MAXDOP 1)

    Select * From #Sales

    Order By Ord

    I've got this following output. (:crazy: )

    Date Sales Ord

    10/12/2007 13 1

    10/12/2007 159 2

    10/12/2007 49 3


    And I would expect the output like

    Date Sales Ord

    01/10/2007 38 1

    01/10/2007 41 2

    01/10/2007 74 3


    But the same records above shows

    Date Sales Ord

    01/10/2007 38 313

    01/10/2007 41 308

    01/10/2007 74 315


    Seems like the SQL Server open many and many different threads ...

    I would like very much that would be possible find a solution without to use subqueries neither cursors.

    Best Regards,


  • Sorry... that just doesn't help me... all of your examples show only one date... would you please do as I ask so I can help? Please change the following to the correct order, replace the ?? with the correct numbers, and post it...

    Here it is, one more time...

    Dt Venda Ord

    '20071001' 200 ??

    '20071001' 100 ??

    '20071001' 300 ??

    '20071002' 400 ??

    '20071002' 200 ??

    '20071002' 300 ??

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
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    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff,

    The output is the following

    Dt Venda Ord

    '20071001' 200 2

    '20071001' 100 1

    '20071001' 300 3

    '20071002' 400 3

    '20071002' 200 1

    '20071002' 300 2

    The "Ord" Field stays in the same order than "Venda" field

    The first example works very well, It's what I've expected.

    But the real order is (cause the database is linked to

    a clustered index "dt" + "venda")

    Dt Venda Ord

    '20071001' 100 1

    '20071001' 200 2

    '20071001' 300 3

    '20071002' 200 1

    '20071002' 300 2

    '20071002' 400 3

  • Perfect... I'll be back...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • The compound cluster index is creating some odd sorting sequence. Apparently by having 2 data types, the key being stored internally is stored in some way I can't quite wrap my head around (anyway - it is different that we'd expect.) Solution is to FORCE the issue, by feeding it two values that will concatenate cleanly and will force the sort order you wish.

    Try this on for size (looks to me to return the right amount). Of course - I STILL can't figure out what the summary is doing for the update.


    use test


    Set NoCount ON

    Declare @dt SmallDateTime

    Declare @Count Int

    Declare @NDays Int

    Declare @Sales Int

    Declare @Inic Float

    Select @Inic=rand(1000)

    Drop Table #Sales

    Create Table #Sales (Dt char(8), Sales Numeric(10,2),salestext char(10), Ord Int)

    Create Clustered Index sales_ix On #Sales(Dt, Salestext)

    Set @Count = 0

    While @Count< 1000


    Set @NDays = Floor( rand()*100 )

    Set @Sales= Floor(rand()*200)

    Insert Into #Sales


    Convert(char,Cast('20071001' as SmallDateTime) + @NDays,112),@Sales, right('0000000000'+cast(@Sales as varchar(10)),10), 0

    Set @Count = @Count + 1


    Drop Table #Summary

    Select Dt,

    Sum(Sales) As Sales

    Into #Summary

    From #Sales

    Group By Dt

    Create Clustered Index #SumVen On #Summary(Dt)

    Declare @Ord Int

    Set @Ord = 0

    Update T


    @Ord = @Ord+1,

    Ord = @Ord

    From #Sales As T with (index(sales_ix),tablock)

    , #Summary As S with (index(#sumven),tablock)

    where T.Dt=s.dt

    Select * From #Sales

    Order By dt,sales

    select * from #sales with (index(sales_ix))

    select * from #sales order by dt


    select *

    From #Sales As T

    Inner Join #Summary As S

    On S.Dt=T.Dt

    order by t.dt,s.dt



    Interestingly enough - your original code works flawlessly in 2005, but causes something interesting to happen in 2000. I can't quite figure out what forces the 12/10/2007 values to be first in the clustered index without the conversions, but....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • one sec - (quick back and forths going on - posting based on code a few answers up). there needs to be a case when then 0 else @ord end in there if you intend the group to reset.

    use test


    Set NoCount ON

    Declare @dt char(10)

    Declare @Count Int

    Declare @NDays Int

    Declare @Sales Int

    Declare @Inic Float

    Select @Inic=rand(1000)

    Drop Table #Sales

    Create Table #Sales (Dt char(8), Sales Numeric(10,2),salestext char(10), Ord Int)

    Create Clustered Index sales_ix On #Sales(Dt, Salestext)

    Set @Count = 0

    While @Count< 1000


    Set @NDays = Floor( rand()*100 )

    Set @Sales= Floor(rand()*200)

    Insert Into #Sales


    Convert(char,Cast('20071001' as SmallDateTime) + @NDays,112),@Sales, right('0000000000'+cast(@Sales as varchar(10)),10), 0

    Set @Count = @Count + 1


    Drop Table #Summary

    Select Dt,

    Sum(Sales) As Sales

    Into #Summary

    From #Sales

    Group By Dt

    Create Clustered Index #SumVen On #Summary(Dt)

    Declare @Ord Int

    Set @Ord = 0

    set @dt=''

    Update T


    @Ord = case when @dt=t.dt then @Ord else 0 end +1,

    Ord = @Ord,@dt=t.dt

    From #Sales As T with (index(sales_ix),tablock)

    , #Summary As S with (index(#sumven),tablock)

    where T.Dt=s.dt

    Select * From #Sales

    Order By dt,sales

    select * from #sales with (index(sales_ix))

    select * from #sales order by dt

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thank you very much, Miller.

    Wow! It's completely crazy :w00t:

    I simplify the example (@Ord= @Ord +1) in order to the make the things clearer.

    Select * From #Sales or

    select * from #sales with (index(sales_ix))

    Don't respect the clustered index and list 'Nov,27 - 07' first (?????)

    Select * From #Sales

    Order By dt,sales

    Almost respect the same order of clustered index but Oct,9 - 07 - Sales 187 has ORD = 74 and 978 (there is other exceptions)

    I've noticed the every index key tie let the SQL Server nuts.

    Really, when I change 1 line in your code, it's all over.

    Create Clustered Index sales_ix On #Sales(Dt, Sales)

    ________In Place Of

    Create Clustered Index sales_ix On #Sales(Dt, Salestext)

    38 is considered greater than 41, 90, etc.

    My original code works even in Sql Server 2005, even in the tie key index case?

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