update row multiple times using single update statement

  • i have the following tables

    declare @t1 table


    a int,

    b int,

    c int


    declare @t2 table


    a int,

    x int,

    y int


    and say it has the following data

    insert into @t1 values (1,0,0)

    insert into @t2 values (1,1,1)

    insert into @t2 values (1,2,1)

    i want to update t1 with the values from t2, but using the following logic

    update t1


    t1.b = (case when t2.x = 1 then t1.b + t2.y else t1.b end),

    t1.c = (case when t2.x = 2 then t1.c + t2.y else t1.c end)

    from @t1 t1 join @t2 t2 on t1.a = t2.a

    unfortunately only the first row in t2 is being applied. i would like to know whether it is possible to have both rows in t2 applied to t1 using a single update statement.

    i know that i can use a where on the update but wouldnt that be just as bad as looping through every row in t2 and updating t1 accordingly


  • txp001 (10/11/2009)

    on t1.a = t2.a

    The conditions matches the first row in the t2, so that it’s update/ compare the first row data,

    Just assumption of update t1 table column-b with min value in the t2, and column-c with max value in the t2.

    update t1

    set t1.b = (case when t2.x = 1 then t1.b + t2.y else t1.b end),

    t1.c = (case when t3.x = 2 then t1.c + t3.y else t1.c end)

    from @t1 t1 join

    (select a,min(x) x,min(y) y from @t2

    group by a) as t2

    on t1.a = t2.a


    (select a,max(x) x,max(y) y from @t2

    group by a) as t3

    on t1.a = t3.a

  • sorry, my bad. what i showed was a cut down version. t1 has more columns and is more akin to

    declare @t1 table


    a int,

    jan int,

    feb int,


    dec int


    and as i am sure you can guess, the value in t2.x determines which column is updated.

    i am also not sure why you say that it only matches the first row in t2. when i do this




    from @t1 t1 join @t2 t2 on t1.a = t2.a

    i get two rows. i was hoping that update would be applied to every row in the from clause even though they are the same one, but it appears to only do the first one.

    anyway you have given me an idea. i can do something like this

    update t1

    set t1.b = (case when t2.y is null then t1.b else t1.b + t2.y end),

    set t1.c = (case when t3.y is null then t1.b else t1.b + t3.y end)

    from @t1 t1

    left join (select a, sum(y) y from @t2 where x = 1 group by a) t2 on t2.a = t1.a

    left join (select a, sum(y) y from @t2 where x = 2 group by a) t3 on t3.a = t1.a

    now just have to figure out if it is any faster than processing it row by row.


  • i am also not sure why you say that it only matches the first row in t2. when i do this




    from @t1 t1 join @t2 t2 on t1.a = t2.a

    i get two rows. i was hoping that update would be applied to every row in the from clause even though they are the same one, but it appears to only do the first one.

    Interesting,(I think its very basic understanding which we are missing) I would wish if someone can throw some light on it.

    If you look at the execution plan for this,

    update t1

    set t1.b = (case when t2.x = 1 then t1.b + t2.y else t1.b end),

    t1.c = (case when t2.x = 2 then t1.c + t2.y else t1.c end) -- select t1.*, t2.*

    from #t1 t1 join #t2 t2 on t1.a = t2.a

    After inner join, we have a stream aggregate which is grouping by (bmk1000(bookmark?))and getting the top row of t1 for update.

    Hence the second update is not working.


  • You need to aggregate the data down before running the update. Given that your case statements are additive, then if you always have positive values in t2 you can use a nested CTE with an aggregate:

    create table #t1 (

    a int,

    b int,

    c int)

    create table #t2 (

    a int,

    x int,

    y int)

    insert into #t1 values (1,0,0)

    insert into #t2 values (1,1,1)

    insert into #t2 values (1,2,1)

    select * from #t1

    -- a b c

    -- 1 0 0


    ;with cte as (



    , case when t2.x = 1 then t1.b + t2.y else t1.b end as b

    , case when t2.x = 2 then t1.c + t2.y else t1.c end as c

    from #t1 t1 join #t2 t2 on t1.a = t2.a


    , cte2 as (

    select a, max(b) as b_max, max(c) as c_max

    from cte

    group by a


    update #t1

    set b = cte2.b_max

    , c = cte2.c_max

    from #t1

    join cte2

    on #t1.a = cte2.a


    select * from #t1

    -- a b c

    -- 1 1 1

    Not necessarily faster though...

  • This should be quicker:

    ;WITH cte



    SELECT a



    FROM @t2

    GROUP BY a



    SET b = T.b + C.b

    ,c = T.c + C.c

    FROM @t1 T

    JOIN cte C

    ON T.a = C.a

    This should be safer:


    SET b = b +




    SELECT y

    FROM @t2 T2b

    WHERE T2b.a = T1.a

    AND T2b.x = 1


    , 0


    ,c = C +




    SELECT y

    FROM @t2 T2c

    WHERE T2c.a = T1.a

    AND T2c.x = 2


    , 0


    FROM @t1 T1



    SELECT *

    FROM @t2 T2

    WHERE T2.a = T1.a


  • thanks all. the code was getting messy with all those joins as there were 12 of them, and way to many columns to join on too.


    Ken McKelvey (10/13/2009)

    This should be quicker:


    This should be safer:


    why is one safer than the other

  • The following blog does a reasonable job of explaining the potential problems of JOINs in the UPDATE statement.


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