Update Row with latest Data

  • Hi All,

    Please help me on this. My original table has data like this:

    cust_id date height weight

    1 01/01/2009 5'2 110lbs

    1 01/02/2009

    1 01/03/2009

    2 01/01/2008 5'2 110lbs

    2 01/02/2009 5'5 115 lbs

    2 01/03/2009

    3 01/01/2006 5'2 110lbs

    3 01/02/2007 5'5 115 lbs

    3 01/03/2008

    3 01/01/1909

    Is it possible for me to run an update statement so that the records that have empty values will be updated with its latest data like this:

    cust_id date heigh weight

    1 01/01/2009 5'2 110lbs

    1 01/02/2009 5'2 110lbs

    1 01/03/2009 5'2 110lbs

    2 01/01/2008 5'2 110lbs

    2 01/02/2009 5'5 115 lbs

    2 01/03/2009 5'5 115 lbs

    3 01/01/2006 5'2 110lbs

    3 01/02/2007 5'5 115 lbs

    3 01/03/2008 5'5 115 lbs

    3 01/01/2009 5'5 115 lbs

    Thanks in advance!


  • DECLARE @Table TABLE (cust_id int, date datetime, height varchar(10), weight varchar(10))

    INSERT INTO @Table

    SELECT 1, '01/01/2009', '5''2', '110lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '01/02/2009', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '01/03/2009', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '01/01/2008', '5''2', '110lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '01/02/2009', '5''5', '115 lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '01/03/2009', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '01/01/2006', '5''2', '110lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '01/02/2007', '5''5', '115 lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '01/03/2008', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '01/01/1909', NULL, NULL

    SELECT * FROM @Table

    UPDATE t1

    SET Height = t2.Height,

    Weight = t2.Weight

    FROM @Table t1


    SELECT t1.Cust_id,



    FROM @Table t1


    SELECT cust_id, MAX(Date) as Maxdate

    FROM @Table


    GROUP BY cust_id

    ) t2 ON t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id AND t1.date = t2.Maxdate

    ) t2

    ON t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id

    WHERE COALESCE(t1.Height,t1.Weight) IS NULL

    SELECT * FROM @Table

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Well I am not a grt expert @ T-SQL. I can try to do with the of temp table.

    I don't know what will be in the height and weight field (null or empty string) for where there is no data

    -- Insert into temp tbl by group ID where date is max and height and weight is empty or null

    -- then u have result set to join back. I have attach here code for u that i have tested. hope works for u. I usually use #temp table when there is heavy query to do.

    I am using 2008 so ur insert on the test code will not workCREATE TABLE Test ( id int, dat date, ht varchar(5), wt varchar(10) )


    insert into Test (id, dat, ht, wt)


    (1, '01/01/2009', '4', '110lbs'),

    (1, '01/02/2009', null, null),

    (1, '01/03/2009', null, ''),

    (2, '01/01/2008', '6' ,'110lbs'),

    (2, '01/02/2009', '5' ,'115 lbs'),

    (2, '01/03/2009','', null ),

    (3, '01/01/2006', '7' ,'110lbs'),

    (3, '01/02/2007', '5' ,'115 lbs'),

    (3, '01/03/2008',null, null ),

    (3, '01/01/1909' , '', '' )

    SELECT ID, max(Dat) as Dat

    INTO #Test

    FROM Test

    where (ht is not NULL or ht '' )AND (wt IS not null or wt '')

    group by ID


    update ttt

    set wt = d.wt,

    ht = d.ht

    from test ttt

    inner join

    (select t.id, ht, wt from test t

    inner join #test tt

    on t.id = tt.id and

    t.dat = tt.dat) AS D

    On D.id = ttt.id

    SELECT * FROM test

    DROp table #test

  • Thank you so much for your help. I'm sorry to overlook the data. Your query works perfectly for the data that I gave before. Sorry about that.

    My data actually looks like this:

    cust_id date height weight

    101656 01/02/08

    101656 01/08/08

    101656 04/07/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 04/09/08

    101656 04/14/08

    101656 04/29/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 09/08/08

    101656 09/12/08

    101656 10/21/08

    101656 10/28/08

    101656 04/08/09 5' 4.961" 64.96

    101656 04/09/09

    101656 04/13/09

    101656 05/05/09 5' 6.5" 66.50

    101656 05/05/09

    101656 05/05/09 5' 5.75" 65.75

    101656 05/12/09

    101656 05/27/09

    And I want:

    cust_id date height weight

    101656 01/02/08

    101656 01/08/08

    101656 04/07/08 5' 5" 65.00

    10165604/09/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 04/14/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 04/29/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 09/08/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 09/12/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 10/21/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 10/28/08 5' 5" 65.00

    101656 04/08/09 5' 4.961" 64.96

    101656 04/09/09 5' 4.961" 64.96

    101656 04/13/09 5' 4.961" 64.96

    101656 05/05/09 5' 6.5" 66.50

    101656 05/05/09 5' 5.75" 65.75[/b]

    101656 05/12/09 5' 5.75" 65.75

    101656 05/27/09 5' 5.75" 65.75

    So sorry about that! I couldn't figure out by relating to your syntax.


  • The only way i think is, insert into #temp tbl and do in while loop............

  • Should be possible with DENSE_RANK within a CROSS APPLY but...


    Your sample data contain:

    101656 05/05/09 5' 6.5" 66.50

    101656 05/05/09

    101656 05/05/09 5' 5.75" 65.75

    101656 05/12/09

    101656 05/27/09

    There is no uniqueness for date '05/05/09'. How shall this be handled? Does your table contain any IDENTITY or another incremental (primary) key?


    Guy after more than 200 posts here on SSC you really should know how to provide sample data. It took me about 10 minutes to get your data into a SQL format. About two minutes later I saw that the data don't fit the requirement. I've been the third person who had to format your data...

    Please give me an answer to my first question and help us to help you. You can find a link in my signature which makes it easy to provide formated sample data.


  • Florian Reischl (7/1/2009)

    Should be possible with DENSE_RANK within a CROSS APPLY but...


    Your sample data contain:

    101656 05/05/09 5' 6.5" 66.50

    101656 05/05/09

    101656 05/05/09 5' 5.75" 65.75

    101656 05/12/09

    101656 05/27/09

    There is no uniqueness for date '05/05/09'. How shall this be handled? Does your table contain any IDENTITY or another incremental (primary) key?


    Guy after more than 200 posts here on SSC you really should know how to provide sample data. It took me about 10 minutes to get your data into a SQL format. About two minutes later I saw that the data don't fit the requirement. I've been the third person who had to format your data...

    Please give me an answer to my first question and help us to help you. You can find a link in my signature which makes it easy to provide formated sample data.



    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • 3 questions:

    Q1. Is it possible that for a given row the height column might be vaued but the weight column may be null, or vice versa? Or are the height and weight columns either both valued or both null? I.e. is the following possible?

    cust_id date height weight

    4 2006-01-01 5'5 110lbs

    4 2007-01-01 NULL 120lbs

    4 2008-01-01 NULL NULL

    If the above situation is possible then it might be simpler to update the height and weight columns separately, i.e. update the null column values in 2 separate UPDATE statements.

    Q2. Is is possible that for a given value of cust_id there can be a row with null height and weight columns whose date column is earlier that another row with the same value of cust_id whose height and weight columns are valued? I.e. is this possible:

    cust_id date height weight

    4 2006-01-01 5'5 110lbs

    4 2007-01-01 NULL NULL

    4 2008-01-01 5'7 120lbs

    4 2009-01-01 NULL NULL

    If it is possible, then I presume that the 2nd row should be updated with the values in the 1st row, and the 4th row should be updated with the values in the 3rd row.

    Q3. Is the combination of the cust_id and date columns guaranteed to be unique, and if not, is there another primary key?

    The following statements update the height and height columns assuming that the situations described in Q1 and Q2 are possible and that the combination of the cust_id and date columns is unique.

    DECLARE @Table TABLE (cust_id int, date datetime, height varchar(10), weight varchar(10))

    INSERT INTO @Table

    SELECT 1, '20090101', '5''2', '110lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '20090102', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '20090103', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '20080101', '5''2', '110lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '20090102', '5''5', NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '20090103', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '20060101', '5''2', '110lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '20070102', '5''5', '115 lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '20080103', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '20090101', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '20060601', '6''0', '130lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '20070602', NULL, NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '20080603', '6''1', '135lbs' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '20090601', NULL, NULL

    SELECT cust_id, date, height, weight FROM @Table

    /* First update height column */

    ;WITH cteHMAP (cust_id, source_date, target_date) AS (

    SELECT T1.cust_id, MAX(T1.date), T2.date

    FROM @Table T1 INNER JOIN @Table T2

    ON (T1.cust_id = T2.cust_id AND T1.date < T2.date)

    WHERE (T1.height IS NOT NULL AND T2.height IS NULL)

    GROUP BY T1.cust_id, T2.date


    cteHSRC (cust_id, date, height) AS (

    SELECT SRC.cust_id, MAP.target_date, SRC.height


    ON (SRC.cust_id = MAP.cust_id AND SRC.date = MAP.source_date)


    UPDATE T SET height = S.height

    FROM @Table T

    INNER JOIN cteHSRC S ON (T.cust_id = S.cust_id AND T.date = S.date)

    /* Next update weight column */

    ;WITH cteWMAP (cust_id, source_date, target_date) AS (

    SELECT T1.cust_id, MAX(T1.date), T2.date

    FROM @Table T1 INNER JOIN @Table T2

    ON (T1.cust_id = T2.cust_id AND T1.date < T2.date)

    WHERE (T1.weight IS NOT NULL AND T2.weight IS NULL)

    GROUP BY T1.cust_id, T2.date


    cteWSRC (cust_id, date, weight) AS (

    SELECT SRC.cust_id, MAP.target_date, SRC.weight


    ON (SRC.cust_id = MAP.cust_id AND SRC.date = MAP.source_date)


    UPDATE T SET weight = S.weight

    FROM @Table T

    INNER JOIN cteWSRC S ON (T.cust_id = S.cust_id AND T.date = S.date)

    SELECT cust_id, date, height, weight FROM @Table

  • Yes, table does have identity column.

    Data will always have both weight and height; otherwise, they will be null on both fields.


  • joemai (7/1/2009)

    Yes, table does have identity column.

    Data will always have both weight and height; otherwise, they will be null on both fields.


    Joe... With 122 visits, it's time you learned how to post data to get fully tested answers quicker. Please read and heed the article at the first link in my signature below.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • joemai (7/1/2009)

    Yes, table does have identity column.

    Data will always have both weight and height; otherwise, they will be null on both fields.


    Not totally sure what questions you are answering or not here.

    Please identify each question asked by andrew and provide an detailed, yet concise answer. it will help us help you.

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