Update Table for records up to a specified quantity

  • Again, David. One thing in advance: I think we all know Celko's nice SQL puzzles, here for example calculating running sums or ordering records using plain SQL.

    I'm a supporter of plain SQL ... but your solution uses some implicit assumptions that are not given or do apply to the sample data only (e.g. ordering by date and by Orderref CAN be contradictionary): try the following data: (pay attention to Material: it's always MATERIAL1)

    Orderref Date Quantity Material ScheduledAmount
    3 2006-03-01 150 MATERIAL1 0
    4 2006-03-01 100 MATERIAL1 0
    5 2006-03-03 100 MATERIAL1 0
    7 2006-03-01 100 MATERIAL1 0
    8 2006-03-01 200 MATERIAL1 0

    your result would be:

    Orderref Date Quantity Material ScheduledAmount
    3 2006-03-01 150 MATERIAL1 150
    4 2006-03-01 100 MATERIAL1 100
    5 2006-03-03 100 MATERIAL1 75
    7 2006-03-01 100 MATERIAL1 75
    8 2006-03-01 200 MATERIAL1 0

    and this is wrong ...

    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • Apart from the above mentioned problem, you'll always update the values, whether they've changed or not. This should not happen either. Think of this in terms of performance.

    There's still another error in your script: if the amount to be scheduled is greater than the sum 'needed by the orders', the update should fail, but it doesn't.

    In my own SQL there several syntax errors, since I didn't type it in QA. Here's the corrected version:

    ALTER  PROCEDURE adsp_OrderSchedule_01

    (@Material NVARCHAR(32),

    @myAmounttoSchedule FLOAT)



    DECLARE @OrderRef INT,

                 @Quantity FLOAT,

                 @ScheduledAmount FLOAT

    WHILE @myAmounttoSchedule > 0


     SET @OrderRef = NULL

     SET @Quantity = NULL

     SET @ScheduledAmount = NULL


      @OrderRef = OrderRef,

      @Quantity = Quantity,

      @ScheduledAmount = ScheduledAmount

     FROM tblOrder


      OrderRef =  (SELECT Min(OrderRef)

          FROM tblOrder

          WHERE   Material = @Material

           AND ScheduledAmount < Quantity

           AND [Date] = (SELECT MIN([Date])

               FROM  tblOrder

               WHERE   Material = @Material

                 AND ScheduledAmount < Quantity))

     IF @OrderRef IS NULL -- not enough Orders to accept amount to schedule



      PRINT 'R'

      RETURN 0


     IF @myAmounttoSchedule > @Quantity - @ScheduledAmount


      SET @myAmounttoSchedule = @myAmounttoSchedule - (@Quantity - @ScheduledAmount)

      SET @ScheduledAmount = @Quantity  


     ELSE IF @myAmounttoSchedule <= @Quantity - @ScheduledAmount


      SET @ScheduledAmount = @ScheduledAmount + @myAmounttoSchedule

      SET @myAmounttoSchedule = 0


     UPDATE tblOrder

     SET scheduledAmount = @ScheduledAmount

     WHERE OrderRef = @OrderRef




    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • quote ...but your solution uses some implicit assumptions that are not given ...

    But your observations are assumptions also, implying possible unecessary code not required or implied in the first post, but good thinking out of the box

    My revised solution

    DECLARE @Qty Decimal(14,3), @Material NVarChar(32)

    SET @Qty = 350

    SET @Material = N'Material1'

    CREATE TABLE #temp ([ID] int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, Orderref Int, Available Decimal(14,3))

    INSERT INTO #temp (Orderref, Available)

    SELECT Orderref, Quantity - [Scheduled Amount] AS [Available]


    WHERE Quantity > [Scheduled Amount]

    AND Material = @Material

    ORDER BY [Date] ASC, Orderref ASC

    CREATE TABLE #temp2 (Orderref Int PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, Scheduled Decimal(14,3))

    INSERT INTO #temp2 (Orderref, Scheduled)

    SELECT t.OrderRef, CASE WHEN (@Qty - s.Summ) > t.Available THEN t.Available ELSE (@Qty - s.Summ) END

    FROM #temp t

    INNER JOIN (SELECT t1.[ID], SUM(ISNULL(t2.Available,0)) AS [Summ]

        FROM #temp t1

        LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp t2 ON t2.[ID] < t1.[ID]

        GROUP BY t1.[ID]) s

      ON s.[ID] = t.[ID] AND @Qty > s.Summ

    ORDER BY t.OrderRef ASC

    IF (SELECT SUM(Scheduled) FROM #temp2) < @qty

     RAISERROR('Insufficient Quantity Available',16,1)


    UPDATE a

    SET a.[Scheduled Amount] = a.[Scheduled Amount] + b.Scheduled



    INNER JOIN #temp2 b ON b.OrderRef = a.OrderRef

    DROP TABLE #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp2

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • >But your observations are assumptions also<

    True - I always assume the worst. Advisable  practice, as far as reality is concerned 

    Do we start a new thread on temp tables vs. table valued functions? I don't think we have to

    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

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