update with a case statement

  • I have  a table test_update with two columns id and name and I am trying to update the table with the following three update statements. Can I make it all in one update statement with a case statement?

    UPDATE  test_update

     SET name='aaa'

    WHERE id=1

    UPDATE  test_update

     SET name='bbb'

    WHERE id=2

    UPDATE  test_update

     SET name='ccc'

    WHERE id=3



    You can use the following Query :


    update test_update

    set name=(case when id=1 then 'aaa'

                           when id=2 then 'bbb'

                            when id=3 then 'ccc'

                    else null end)

    where id=?


  • And change the id = ? to id in (1, 2, 3)

  • Thanks for your help. It helped me a lot.

  • Alternative:

    UPDATE t

    set t.Name = u.name

    from test_update t

    inner join


      select 1 as Id, 'aaa' as Name union all

      select 2, 'bbb' union all

      select 3, 'ccc'


    u on t.Id = u.Id

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