Updatestatistics in SQL Server 2005

  • Pradyothana Shastry (5/27/2009)

    Statistics will be updated automatically after index rebuild

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  • If you don't need to update your statistics with full scan - then you should use the procedure sp_updatestats which will only select statistics that need to be updated.

    One interesting thing I found out about sp_updatestats the other day is that even if a single row changes in a table, no matter how many rows the table has, sp_updatestats updates the stats on the table. Even a failed insert marks the table for update.

    I would suggest running sp_updatestats daily and make sure the schedule runs before the index maintenance job. This will make sure you update all the statistics on the table, not just the ones on the index columns. Scheduling the job prior to the index maintenance will also ensure that if a row is table is flagged for updating the stats, you do not overwrite the fullscan performed by the index rebuild.

  • Hi,

    You can create this task using below command as well.

    sp_MSForEachTable @command1='Update Statistics ? with FULLSCAN'

    It will Update Statistics with Full Scan.


    Gurpreet Sethi

  • Ken Simmons (5/27/2009)

    If you don't need to update your statistics with full scan - then you should use the procedure sp_updatestats which will only select statistics that need to be updated.

    One interesting thing I found out about sp_updatestats the other day is that even if a single row changes in a table, no matter how many rows the table has, sp_updatestats updates the stats on the table. Even a failed insert marks the table for update.

    I would suggest running sp_updatestats daily and make sure the schedule runs before the index maintenance job. This will make sure you update all the statistics on the table, not just the ones on the index columns. Scheduling the job prior to the index maintenance will also ensure that if a row is table is flagged for updating the stats, you do not overwrite the fullscan performed by the index rebuild.

    By updating statistics before index rebuild - you end up performing duplicate work. I use the option to resample - and perform the update statistics after the index rebuild. This makes sure that in the rare cases where a table I just rebuilt gets selected, it's going to be rebuilt using the previous sampling rate which is a full scan.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Resample is a good idea to make sure you don't overwrite the full sample by the index rebuild. You still may end up doing duplicate work, depending on how busy your system is. I have been seeing a lot of discussion around updating statistics before or after an index rebuild lately.

    I guess it really depends on how busy your system is. If you know that hardly any activity is going on during your maintenance, after would be a better choice since all of the stats would be skipped anyway. If you have activity during your maintenance, you would be updating the stats for all the tables with a full scan twice, instead of just a sample followed by a full scan. I guess this is just like everything else in technology. It just depends on the situation.

  • Ken - yep, it is one of the 'it depends' type of things. It really should be something that is tested and accounted for on each system you support.

    There really shouldn't be a one size fits all model for performing this type of maintenance, although I see that is what everyone wants to do.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Let say we have the following case:

    Rebuilding indexes are done on a case by case. (no ALL keyword)

    The table contain the following indexes:

    Clustered on col z

    Non clustered 1 using col a and b

    Non clustered 2 using col c and d

    Non clustered 3 using col e and f

    col g,h,i,j and not used in any indexes

    If it is rebuilding only non clustered 2, will only statistics on col c and d be updated? Or will a,b,e,f and z will also be part of the statistics update along c and d?

  • Column statistics are not updated during and index rebuild. Index statistics are updated for the index being rebuilt.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Ok but the question still remain.

    Does the sampling before rebuilding is done only for the column(s) used by the index which will be rebuilt or all columns used by all indexes?

  • Below are three sets of SQL statements that show that when an index is rebuilt or all indexes on a table are rebuilt, column statistics not associated with the indexes being rebuilt are not updated.

    1) Create a database, turn auto statistics off, and populate a table:









    USE TestStats


    CREATE TABLE dbo.foo



    ,FooChar CHAR(8) NOT NULL


    , CONSTRAINT Foo_U UNIQUE (FooGuid1)



    CREATE STATISTICS Foo_S_FooChar ON dbo.Foo ( FooChar )



    SET @LoopOuter = 0

    WHILE @LoopOuter < 4


    INSERT INTO dbo.Foo

    (FooGuid1, FooGuid2 , FooChar )


    , NEWID()


    FROM master.dbo.tally

    SET @LoopOuter = @LoopOuter + 1


    2) List statistics last update timestamp:

    select Tables.name

    , stats.Name

    , STATS_DATE(stats.object_id, stats.stats_id)

    from sys.tables as tables

    join sys.stats as stats

    on stats.object_id = tables.object_id

    where Tables.name = 'Foo'

    3) Index rebuild and stats update - run the "list statistics" before and after executing each statement:

    ALTER INDEX Foo_P ON dbo.Foo rebuild


    ALTER INDEX ALL ON dbo.Foo rebuild


    UPDATE STATISTICS dbo.Foo ( Foo_S_FooChar )


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Thank you Carl Federl That's exactly what I wanted to know!

    As soon as I can get my hand on a SQL box I'll test your scripts, curiosity simply.

  • Thanks Carl Federl !

    The provided scripts clearly shows what I wanted to test out.

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