Updating text within a single column, but not the entire string, duplicates string being updated

  • adrian.facio (5/21/2012)

    The second errors is caused by one of the test data elements, it contains the same attribute twice, for example :

    <a name ="FirstName" name = "SecondName" Code1 =""123> A code link </a>

    Hi, Adrian

    testing is going well.

    I have edited this to read every paragraph in a document...

    LinkCodes AS (

    select BodyId,

    Link = Link.query('.'),

    LinkText = CONVERT(nvarchar(max),Link.query('.')),

    code1 = Link.value('@code1','varchar(10)'),

    code2 = Link.value('@code2','varchar(10)')

    from xmldocuments cross APPLY XmlDoc.nodes('/body/p') as NodeTable(Link)

    But when I run this....




    SELECT BodyId,LinkText,

    NewLink = CASE WHEN lc.code1 IS NULL AND lt.code1_sku IS NOT NULL

    THEN stuff(LinkText,patindex('%code2=%',LinkText),0,'code1="'+lt.code1_sku+'" ')

    WHEN lc.code2 IS NULL AND lt.code2_sku IS NOT NULL

    THEN stuff(LinkText,patindex('%code2=%',LinkText),0,'code2="'+lt.code2_sku+'" ')

    ELSE LinkText


    WasUpdated = CASE WHEN (lc.code1 IS NULL AND lt.code1_sku IS NOT NULL) OR

    (lc.code2 IS NULL AND lt.code2_sku IS NOT NULL)

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    FROM LinkCodes lc

    LEFT JOIN LinkSku lt

    ON (lc.code1 IS NULL AND lt.code1_sku = lc.code2) OR

    (lc.code2 IS NULL AND lt.pf_part_sku = lc.code1)

    )select * from NewLinks,

    But none of the wasUpdated column value was set to 1.

    A typical paragraph looks like this

    <p>Text before <a __macro_name="productLink" class="macro_productLink _macro_uid_13317485981859923" code1="1147776" href="" macro_uid="_13317485981859923">code1 only</a> text after</p>

  • Hi there,

    You can try his for LinkCodes cte. What happens is that the old query is looking for the atribute code1 or code2 in the node, but as the node is no longer '<a>' now is <p>, we need to look for the code in the attributes of the <a> node.




    select BodyId,

    Link = Link.query('.'),

    LinkText = CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),Link.query('.')),

    Code1 = Link.value('(a/@code1)[1]','varchar(10)'),

    Code2 = Link.value('(a/@code2)[1]','varchar(10)')

    from xmldocuments cross APPLY XmlDoc.nodes('/body/p') as NodeTable(Link)


  • Also, you can try this other aproach if there is only one link inside each parragraph.

    ;WITH XmlDocuments



    select *,XmlDoc = convert(xml,'<?xml version = "1.0"?>'+bodytext)

    from documentbody d

    where BodyText IS NOT NULL





    select BodyId,

    Link = Link.query('.'),

    LinkText = CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),Link.query('.')),

    Code1 = Link.value('@code1','varchar(10)'),

    Code2 = Link.value('@code2','varchar(10)')

    from xmldocuments cross APPLY XmlDoc.nodes('/body/p/a') as NodeTable(Link)





    SELECT BodyId,LinkText,

    NewLink = CASE WHEN lc.Code1 IS NULL AND lt.Code1_Sku IS NOT NULL

    THEN stuff(LinkText,patindex('%code2%',LinkText),0,'code1="'+lt.Code1_Sku+'" ')

    WHEN lc.Code2 IS NULL AND lt.Code2_Sku IS NOT NULL

    THEN stuff(LinkText,patindex('%href%',LinkText),0,'code2="'+lt.Code2_Sku+'" ')

    ELSE LinkText


    WasUpdated = CASE WHEN (lc.Code1 IS NULL AND lt.Code1_Sku IS NOT NULL) OR

    (lc.Code2 IS NULL AND lt.Code2_Sku IS NOT NULL)

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    FROM LinkCodes lc

    LEFT JOIN LinkTable lt

    ON (lc.Code1 IS NULL AND lt.Code2_Sku = lc.Code2) OR

    (lc.Code2 IS NULL AND lt.Code1_Sku = lc.Code1)





    SELECT BodyId,

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'<','<'),'>','>')

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT BodyId FROM NewLinks WHERE WasUpdated = 1 ) db


    (SELECT '<p>'+NewLink+'<p/>' AS 'text()'

    FROM NewLinks nl WHERE nl.BodyId = db.BodyId

    FOR XML PATH('body'))


    ) nt


    --SELECT * FROM NewDocumentBodies

    UPDATE DocumentBody SET DocumentBody.BodyText = ndb.NewBodyText

    FROM DocumentBody odb

    INNER JOIN NewDocumentBodies ndb

    ON odb.BodyId = ndb.BodyId

  • How many links a paragraph may contain?

  • adrian.facio (5/22/2012)

    Hi there,

    You can try his for LinkCodes cte. What happens is that the old query is looking for the atribute code1 or code2 in the node, but as the node is no longer '<a>' now is <p>, we need to look for the code in the attributes of the <a> node.




    select BodyId,

    Link = Link.query('.'),

    LinkText = CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),Link.query('.')),

    Code1 = Link.value('(a/@code1)[1]','varchar(10)'),

    Code2 = Link.value('(a/@code2)[1]','varchar(10)')

    from xmldocuments cross APPLY XmlDoc.nodes('/body/p') as NodeTable(Link)


    Thanks, thats just what I needed.

    I find the the update is writing

    <p>Text before < b------- html special characters!

    to the column instead of

    <p>Text before <a></a></p>

  • can you send the body text you are testing and the code you have updated?

  • adrian.facio (5/22/2012)

    can you send the body text you are testing and the code you have updated?

    This is one paragraph from the body text I'm testing

    <p>Text before <a __macro_name="productLink" class="macro_productLink _macro_uid_13317485981859923" code1="1147776" href="" macro_uid="_13317485981859923">code1 only</a> text after</p>

    This is the paragraph above updated......

    <p>Text before <a __macro_name="productLink" class="macro_productLink _macro_uid_13317485981859923" code1="1147776" code2="45J0566" href="" macro_uid="_13317485981859923">code1 only</a> "

    These are in special characters - I can't seem to post them as literals.

  • Try setting more space in the following line:

    LinkText = CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),Link.query('.')),

    Change it to 1000, just to try

  • Wait so your problem is that the new link is something like

    semicolon ampersand lt p semicolon ampersand gt ??

  • adrian.facio (5/22/2012)

    Wait so your problem is that the new link is something like

    semicolon ampersand lt p semicolon ampersand gt ??


  • That why the replace is for:

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'<','<'),'>','>')

    should be like :

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'ampersand lt semicolon','<'),' ampersand gt semicon','>')

    Using the actual chars that we cant post in the forum

  • adrian.facio (5/22/2012)

    That why the replace is for:

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'<','<'),'>','>')

    should be like :

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'ampersand lt semicolon','<'),' ampersand gt semicon','>')

    Using the actual chars that we cant post in the forum

    Ah ok - thanks, I think I saw that but missed it's meaning in your earlier post.

    I'll work on this tonite :-).

  • rabisco (5/22/2012)

    adrian.facio (5/22/2012)

    That why the replace is for:

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'<','<'),'>','>')

    should be like :

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'ampersand lt semicolon','<'),' ampersand gt semicon','>')

    Using the actual chars that we cant post in the forum

    Ah ok - thanks, I think I saw that but missed it's meaning in your earlier post.

    I'll work on this tonite :-).

    Hi adrian,

    this code...




    SELECT BodyId,

    NewBodyText = REPLACE(REPLACE(NewBodyText,'<','<'),'>','>')

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT BodyId FROM NewLinks WHERE WasUpdated = 1 ) db


    (SELECT NewLink AS 'text()'

    FROM NewLinks nl WHERE nl.BodyId = db.BodyId

    FOR XML PATH('body'))


    ) nt


    Adds the <body></body> tag to every row from the NewLinks table for which wasupated = 1.

    I really want to end up with one <body></body> for each bodyid updated .


  • Hi Rabisco,

    Please post your complete query code. The code i sent is intendeed to add <body> at the beggining and the end of one body id, just as you needed it. So i guess there is some parameter changes that needs to be checked out in your version.

  • adrian.facio (5/30/2012)

    Hi Rabisco,

    Please post your complete query code. The code i sent is intendeed to add <body> at the beggining and the end of one body id, just as you needed it. So i guess there is some parameter changes that needs to be checked out in your version.

    Ah yes, it does. In my testing, you may have multiple paragraphs in one bodyid which need to be updated. a <body></body> is added to each paragraph. What I'm for is a <body> before the first update and </body> after the last update.

    I'll post the code shortly.

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