Upgrading from 6.5 to 2000

  • I am working on my plans for updating from SQL 6.5 to SQL 2000 and an wondering if any one has found any majour problems with the update wizard?  We have updated 6.5 to the latest and greatest service pack.  There are some service packs we need to install on 2000.  Other than that have others successfully done this?  I know it's an off hours sort of thing, so I'm planning on a weekend, hoping for a day.

    Same note different question, this upgrade is from SERVER_01 with SQL 6.5 to SERVER_02 with SQL 2000.  Each has a database named CO_NAME, I want to update the 6.5 database CO_NAME to the same database name in SQL 2000.  Can this be done? 


    -Rae G

  • We just finished a major SQL 6.5 >> SQL 2000 in-place upgrade - about 80 production servers. Didn't have too many issues except for the following ones you might find useful:

    1. During the attempt to install SQL Server 2000 engine, it failed either:

    >> With error message "Unable to start the service”.

    The installation log and debug files do not provide any information specific to the error.

    >> No errors were displayed, but the restore process run forever and did not complete.

    As a result of SQL Server 2000 installation failure, SQL 6.5 services could not be started either. The system had to be restored from file backup.

    As it turned out, one of the custom applications running on the servers was disabling the ability to create 8.3 file names for long file names (HLKM\SYSTEM\Currentcontrolset\control\FileSystem\NtfsDisable8Dot3NameCreation. Make sure it is 0)

    2. During the database attempt upgrade, it repeatedly failed to complete the first step of "Preparing SQL-DMO for Upgrade step".

    The resolution involved few steps: the program files install path was changed to a path that does not contain any spaces (instead of the default of "c: \program files\microsoft sql server"; due to the fact that some the shared SQL Server client tools are used during the upgrade process and that the client tools are always installed under the "\program files\microsoft sql server" directory, it is necessary to copy the shared files ( osql.exe, bcp.exe and bcp.rll) to the program files path used during the step above.

    Other than that, the upgrades went rather smoothly.

    Few more things to consider, though - the system tables differ between sql versions - if you have any sps that access the system tables directly, they might fail. Do your QA!

    Also, if the databases are replicated, drop the replication and reestablish it. Do not upgrade it - it is not reliable.

    To answer your second question, you can upgrade into a SQL Server 2000 database that you created previously. The databases need to have the same name and size, but it is not a recommended option.

    Check the following article; it contains all the basic information about what you need to consider before attempting an upgrade.


    Good luck!

  • Have recently been through this process at a number of customer sites.

    There is a known problem specific to upgrading to SQL2000 with SP3 applied where your SQL6.5 system is on a WindowsNT server. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB.818550. In essence the simplest solution is to migrate your 6.5 DB to a Windows2000 server first.

    Also be aware that the service startup account for the MSSQLServer service startup account for both computers must be a domain account that is a member of the Local Administrators group on both computers.

    If these are different domains then a trust needs to be established between them.




  • I just got through doing this as well, and ran into the problem that Sean describes.  My solution was to upgrade to 7.0 first, then to 2000.  Worked great.  I had run through the upgrade on a test box previously, and did NOT hit the bug.  However, that upgrade process was still more painful than the 6.5-7.0-2000 path.  It seems that procedures that didn't migrate properly the first time did migrate successfully with the 7.0 interim step. 


  • Hi there,

    Don't know if this would apply to you, but here goes. One of our developers used the "Encrypt" function in SQL 7 (it was supported the same way in 6.5). When we upgraded to SQL 2000 we couldn't read our data as the Encrypt function works differently in 2000.

    Now that was a pain for us!!!


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