Upgrading From Release 1 to SP4?

  • I have been getting time out on the application and on the server level as well.

    The problem is not from the queries within the application, otherwise I wouldn't get time out on SQL server too.

    Well, I checked the service pack on my server using @@version, I came up with 700.623 Standard Edition (build 1381: sp6) - realizing that I am way behind. My understanding is that I should be on v700.1063 (SP4).

    1. My question is whether it is safe to upgrade from 700.623 directly to 700.1063 (SP4)? Is it doable? Or should I do one SP at a time?

    2. on SQL server EM, I set “Use fix memory size” to 500MB

    Do I need to check the box for “reserve physical memory for SQL server” as well?

    If so, what reasonable size (MB) should I set it to? Considering total memory on my server is 1GB.

    Your assistance is very appreciated.



  • I believe an upgrade to Service Pack 4 has upgrades to all the other versions.

    If sql server is the only application you run on your server it is normally good to allow sql server to dynamically allocate memory


  • Thanks Mike for your prompt response.

    I can't allow sql server to dynamically allocate memory, I am running Coldfusion and other apps. with SQL server.

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