Upsizing a Database

  • I've up sized my Access database to SQL 2000, so now i see all my tables and queries(views) and stored procedures in SQL. My only concern is that i populate my tables via a DTS package. I get data from different extracts excel, txt. etc... in my DTS package i've linked all these to my Access database what i like to know will my DTS now work and populate the new tables in SQL Through Access. From my understand of upsizing i can still see the tables in access. Any help on this would be great. Am currently doing a poilit project trying to figure this out..

  • Its quite east to run a DTS package from Access


    Const SQL_DTS_ERROR = -2147220440

    Public Sub RunDTS(strServer, strDTSName)

        ' Routine to run a DTS package from VBA

        ' Process will halt if a DTS error occurs

        ' and Display a MessageBox before Exiting


    On Error GoTo Err_RunDTS

        Dim pkg As New DTS.Package


        pkg.LoadFromSQLServer strServer, , , DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , strDTSName

        pkg.FailOnError = True




        Set pkg = Nothing

        Exit Sub



        If Err.Number = SQL_DTS_ERROR Then

            MsgBox "Error in DTS Package: " & strServer & " " & strDTSName & Chr(13) & " was generated by " & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description


            MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

        End If

        Resume Exit_RunDTS

    End Sub

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