Urgent Help Guys for this Scenario!!!

  • Hi,

    I have a table say emp which has two columns empid and empskills.I need a query to retrieve the empid which has both C and CPP.


    Empid Empskills

    1 C

    1 CPP

    1 VB

    2 C

    2 CPP

    3 C

    4 CPP

    From the above input ,I need output like this(otherwise only empid)

    Empid Empskills

    1 C,CPP,VB

    2 C,CPP

    If I use the below query,i ll get all the emp id.But I need only the empid which has both the given skills .

    Select distinct empid from emp

    where empskills in ('C','CPP')

    Thanks in advance



  • Quick answer:

    select a.Empid, a.Empskills+', '+b.Empskills

    from #Emp a

    inner join #Emp b on a.Empid = b.Empid

    where a.Empskills = 'C' and b.Empskills = 'CPP'

  • DECLARE @t TABLE(Empid INT,Empskills VARCHAR(3))

    INSERT INTO @t(Empid ,Empskills)


    (1, 'C'),

    (1, 'CPP'),

    (1, 'VB'),

    (2, 'C'),

    (2, 'CPP'),

    (3, 'C'),

    (4, 'CPP');

    SELECT t.Empid,

    STUFF((SELECT ',' + t2.Empskills AS "text()"

    FROM @t t2

    WHERE t2.Empid = t.Empid

    ORDER BY t2.Empskills

    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('./text()[1]','VARCHAR(100)'),1,1,'') AS Empskills

    FROM @t t

    WHERE t.Empskills IN ('C','CPP')

    GROUP BY t.Empid

    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT t.Empskills)=2;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • Another alternative:


    FROM emp

    WHERE empskills = 'C'



    FROM emp

    WHERE empskills = 'CPP'

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  • I would do this way:

    DECLARE @t TABLE(Empid INT,Empskills VARCHAR(3))

    INSERT INTO @t(Empid ,Empskills)

    VALUES (1, 'C'),(1, 'CPP'),(1, 'VB'),(2, 'C'),(2, 'CPP'),(3, 'C'),(4, 'CPP');

    SELECT empid FROM @t

    WHERE empskills in ('C','CPP')

    GROUP BY empid

    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT empskills)=2

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