Urgent:cant Order cube after NON EMPTY is used

  • Hello

    I'm having quite a frustrating problem. My MDX statement

    returns data via a Matrix report (reporting services) that

    shows me monthly hits to a website on a user-by-user

    basis. It is displayed in Alphabetical order based on the

    users name.

    Sometimes hundreds of users can be returned (a 12 page

    report). It's the case that many of these users haven't

    made any hits to the site so they just have empty rows

    against them. I have used NON EMPTY to get rid of these

    empty rows like so:

    SELECT { Measures.members } on Columns ,

    NON EMPTY { Crossjoin( [Time].[Calendar].[2004].[May]:

    [Time].[Calendar].[2004].[July], [Business].[User].

    [Business Entity Id].[1583].Children ) } on Rows

    FROM UsageStats_Phase1

    This suppresses the empty rows, but messes up the

    ordering. People who have hits in May are ordered

    alphabetically, and people who don't are left out. then

    people who have hits in June are ordered alphabetically

    and everyone else is left out, etc.

    so the entire report isn't listed alphabetically. Only on

    a month by month basis, so unless you know that, it looks

    like people are missing from the report. Until you scroll

    down to the correct month for which they have hits.

    The other problem is that the months (columns) aren't

    showing up in order either. So instead of May, June,

    July... it's now something like June, May, July, etc...

    Does anyone know how I can reorder my results after

    suppressing the empty rows? any help would be very much


    Thanks in advance


  • Hi Maria,

    To sort in a specific way, you can use the ORDER function.  It will return a sorted set based on a Subquery.  The syntax is something like: Order(<<set>>, OrderByExpression, ASC | DESC | BASC | BDESC).  You can view the specific details in Books On Line.

    Where possible, I prefer to use the NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN instead of a NON EMPTY { CROSSJOIN(...) }.  If I remember properly, the CROSSJOIN will return all values first and then the NON EMPTY will filter out the empty values.  The NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN will only return the non empty values.

    I hope that helps.


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